Reviews for The True Half-Blood Prince
Guest chapter 16 . 1/21/2023
Just get nico and he can pull Voldemort’s soul from Harry no harm no fuss
ArgentRoseSableWolf chapter 26 . 11/25/2022
Well, that was a heck of a read. I normally avoid PJO crossovers, because I never really got into the books. Just didn't like the way Riordan twisted the mythologies to make them fit his story. But this one, I really enjoyed. The older, war-scarred Percy, how his presence changed the course of events, his interactions with Harry, it was an amazingly well-written story. Wasn't crazy about the ending, a little too much 'Dallas shower scene, it was all a dream' with the mindwiping, but it made sense in the context of the world setting, so there you are. And you gave Snape a pointless, ignominious death, which always puts a smile on my face (I have Snape issues, sue me). All in all, a great ride, and I look forward to seeing anything else you do in the HP universe in future.

SparksInTheSky chapter 26 . 11/12/2022
Amazing, love this story and your writing, you deserve all the love thank you for writing
Wolvie26 chapter 26 . 10/18/2022
Love it!
Maverick chapter 24 . 9/21/2022
just get nico, this is getting ridiculous. he can probably just pull the horcrux out easily.
wolfwind42 chapter 12 . 9/9/2022
Damn, thought he was gonna go to Hazel. Well, I guess Lou is a good alternative
wolfwind42 chapter 10 . 9/9/2022
Did you change canon? Because Percy was 12 when he faced the Minotaur and found out about the gods. And Nico didn’t witness Bianca’s death. He wasn’t there, he was told about it afterwards. And did Sally Jackson stay dead in this timeline? Also how did Annabeth die to a mortal mugging? They’re both fast enough to deflect bullets.
TheTruth99 chapter 26 . 7/6/2022
Didn’t like the ending, I suppose. Would’ve liked people to remember good ol’ Perce. The final few chapters were a little anticlimactic as well. The idea of discrediting the pure blood movement was a good one, but it wasn’t explored in the end. Would’ve preferred if there was a development in character relationships as well.

On the other hand, loved the adventure aspect of the fic. The ideas of espionage and proactive planning were good. The characters of Percy and Harry are fairly canon accurate.

Have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story.
TheUnknowableOne chapter 22 . 5/4/2022
Uhh... did you seriously demote Ragnok The Bold, King of the Goblin Nation to some randos lackey?
TheUnknowableOne chapter 22 . 5/4/2022
Where's my man Ragnok, The Bold?! and who in the thirteen layers of Hell is this "Beehnart" guy?!
Romeperson chapter 26 . 4/12/2022
Really good story I really enjoyed it. It was well put together and had good pacing.
cameron1812 chapter 25 . 2/26/2022
Read this straight through in one exciting, tea fueled morning. And loved every word of it. Thank you, this is absolutely brilliant
Rachel Levesque16 chapter 26 . 2/14/2022
thanks for writing this! it was a ride
Rachel Levesque16 chapter 10 . 2/13/2022
The Blue Cookies chapter 26 . 2/1/2022
I found this story recently, and I enjoyed it very much. I hope you continue writing wonderful fanfics (I've read a couple of others of yours [Grammer]).
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