Reviews for Muggles & Mortgages
lakelady8425 chapter 5 . 3/24/2018
This story was SO fun to read! I've not encountered a RPG premise for a fanfic before. chapter 5 . 3/24/2018
I loved this! I wish there was a real game!
tmtcltb-kals chapter 5 . 3/24/2018
I enjoyed this story so much! Pansy was particularly fantastic in this chapter. She and Hermione would make a formidable team.
closetfangirl98 chapter 5 . 3/24/2018
What a lovely fun short story. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
UnicornMist chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
This was so enjoyable to read, and in this chapter I particularly liked the embellishments made to Hermione's mini. Thanks for sharing.
ZeldaSeverous chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
cute! I loved this story! well done and fun!
sarenia chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
I can't believe it's already over, and what a lovely ending it was! :)

Pansy's check on Hermione? Made me grin so hard! And Blaise's acceptance was wonderful to read, too.

Nott stiffens and takes a calming breath through his nose, mumbling, "Oh Merlin, she's going to be just like Draco."
That made me snort. Theo's already figured out how well Hermione and Draco fit together! ;)

I have no clue if it's common to have custom-made (but obviously not charmed lol) little figures of your PC but I very much enjoyed the touch it gave the session.

Have I ever told you that 'carte blanche' is one of my favourite words? Now you know, lol.

I loved reading the tender moment between the two after the game session was over. You did a great job in describing Draco and Hermione's insecurities. That was really sweet!

"Mutually going?" LOL, Draco, you won the day with that one ;).

Thank you so much for this lighthearted and so entertaining story! I enjoyed every word of it 3!
HarryPGinnyW4eva chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
First, of course, I eagerly await your next story. I am off getting us drinks on that ship. lol This was so frackin' much fun! I enjoyed each of his friends' individual reactions and laughed out loud at Pansy's questions. Thank you once again for a fun time! HG4eva
mavalenovaninagavi chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
I LOVE THIS BOOK! Like, I'm usually incredibly sad when a book ends, but this has ending has made me kinda happy. Not that the books ending, just THE ending. Does that make sense?
Anyway, a really great short Dramione story that I have no doubt I will end up reading again in the future.
Snowflake Dazzle chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
It was great that Pansy, Theo, and Blaise were all accepting of Hermione being there! I think it will just make the game more interesting, and in my mind, Hermione would occasionally throw in something absurd just to see if they believe it. Thank you for all your hard work on this story and for sharing it with us! I look forward to your next story!
Bridgett chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
Darn I didn't realize this was the last chapter. I really enjoyed it though. Sequel?
Guest chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
Guest chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
Loved it! So much fun! So creative!
SlashJahook chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
Delightfully sweet finale!
GoodGirlsBadBoys00 chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
That was so much fun, and sweet. I loved reading this story! I look forward to your next one! Thanks!
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