Reviews for Lodestar
Difdi chapter 44 . 1/2
Typo: there is no such thing as a HIPPA law in the USA, but there is a law that acronyms to HIPAA.
Difdi chapter 43 . 1/2
That nurse just effectively blacklisted herself from all medical fields with that post - hope she enjoys her 15 minutes of fame, because all of her certifications and years of schooling for her career are garbage now. Medical privacy laws in the USA are no joke IRL and Earth Bet has even nastier privacy laws when it comes to capes - even if she avoids prison, no one will ever hire her again, for any job involving any kind of confidential information, the potential liability would be too high.
Difdi chapter 21 . 1/1
Did you mean for Leet to be talking about magnesium or manganese? I ask, because you had him switch elements 6 lines apart, and despite the similarity in names, they ARE completely different elements.

Extracting minerals from seawater would be something you'd need a government license for, for water within national borders. International waters, on the other hand, aren't owned by anyone.
Difdi chapter 12 . 1/1
People react differently to kids and women than they do to men. Teenage girls get a double dose of it. A man with Taylor's power level would be respected and treated with caution - but people take one look at a teenage girl with that sort of power, and are completely sure they'd win a fight with her. They wouldn't, but no matter how many times she annihilates someone who thought her weak, the next guy to come along will be SURE he can take her.
Difdi chapter 8 . 1/1
Under US laws, marine salvage falls into two categories: flotsam and jetsam. Jetsam is deliberately jettisoned, and the owner retains ownership but is also liable for possible illegal dumping charges. Flotsam is usually - but not always - created through accidents, and all sunken ships are considered flotsam even if the sinking was deliberate. Nobody owns flotsam, and it's free for the taking to anyone who wants it, though if you make money off it you'll owe taxes on the money.

Boats abandoned at their moorings are jetsam, even if they sank there from neglect, but anything that sank in open water, up to and including the panamax ship blocking the mouth of the bay, would be flotsam. Magneto would almost certainly know the difference, and likely would advise her to take one of the larger sunken ships for recycling.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/23/2024
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 1 . 11/22/2024
Seems promising…
Guest chapter 43 . 11/16/2024
I really don't like that you just made lung lose his powers in such a dumb way, why does this Taylor have no thought for literally anyone even her allies?
ironhair chapter 1 . 9/10/2024
ironhair chapter 61 . 9/10/2024
Nice ending, and ty for not turning magneto into a complete villain at the end.
ironhair chapter 50 . 9/10/2024
Not liking this Sudden twist of magneto getting a body and becoming ba potential enemy but ready to go along on the ride.
ironhair chapter 20 . 9/8/2024
ironhair chapter 11 . 9/8/2024
RandomObsessiveReader chapter 61 . 8/28/2024
thanks for the story, it made for an interesting read :)
the ending was not completely unexpected, but some details were.

all the best to you and yours! :)
Aedwards179 chapter 31 . 8/17/2024
why doesn't taylor offer ti make temporary shelters out of metal?
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