Reviews for A Fish Out of Water (ASOIAF SI) |
![]() ![]() I hope Marq realizes that the mission Edmure gave him is a opportunity to repair his reputation and gain power. I also think chances are good that soon the Leffords will try to arrange for a betrothal between Marq and a daughter of the House. Since Marq is effectively the one making decisions in their own castle it is only sensible to bind him to them through marriage. In any case that solves the issue of the Westerlands. Leaving the Reach, Stannis, Euron, potentially Dorne, Aegon, Baelish and last but not least the Others. Edmure will be busy for quite a while yet. |
![]() ![]() I am surprised that Jaime apparently isn't dead yet. I mean, I always assumed that with Sansa's live no longer in Lannister hands that it would be only a matter of time until Robb executes him. What else is he gonna do? He made it clear he isn't ransoming him back to House Lannister. The Watch is a possibility, but I doubt he trusts Jaime enough. And Karstark will no doubt be very loud in his calling for a execution. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ahh, this satisfied my hunger for politics. I would advise Ed to pull a Tyrell and station troops in Stoney Sept (and build walls around it) and ready river barges on the Blackwater Rush, that way he can always swiftly threaten KL directly and prevent Stannis from being able to march out of KL with much of his strength (unless Stannis tampers with the river). Did Ed capture the river barges used by Mace? And he should do something economical beneficial for the Riverlands, like hand out city charters so they would be allowed to built walls, granaries, etc - the Tullys and the Targs in KL always prevented some places from growing so that they could not challenge their power in the long run - but Ed is quite secure in his seat at the moment and handing out city charters would endear him to several lords, reduce the relative power of some houses, cause less houses to grumble he favors the Freys too much, and would make KL become less relevant economically. Ergo you could influence Danys politics to an even larger degree as the Riverlands would finance her more than any other "kingdom". Kevan (how did Kevan expect Ed to be?) not even asking how much gold ... Lannisters XD Allying with the Westerlands is a good move ... unless Euron decides to turn around and sack Lannisport and Ed then has to defend them! He could actually appeal to all these Targ-related houses in the Crownlands: Velaryons, Celtigars, ... Was the Redwyne fleet already destroyed? What of fAegon and the Golden Company, you might actually want to keep Stannis around to throw these two against each other? Would be really interesting to know what Baelish thinks of this turn out. |
![]() ![]() ![]() And Willas sees which way the wind is blowing, and an opportunity to reverse his fortunes, so he swears allegiance to Daenerys. Edmure could keep Loras until Dany lands in Westeros, but as a gesture of goodwill and in the spirit of cooperation, to combat Stannis and the encroaching Ironborn, he's forced to work with Willas but first has to release Loras, who apparently hates him so fucking much he'll kill Edmure, even if it's the last thing he'll do. I remember in A Trident is Reforged the SI defeating the Hoares and declaring the Kingdom of the Trident, waiting for Aegon I to invade but he never did! He decided to conquer Essos, and the SI was left holding the most indefensible realm in Westeros. There's a worry that Dany won't come in time. |
![]() ![]() Oldtawn taken - i hope,that Sarella survived. And not as salt wife. |
![]() ![]() Thanks for the update |
![]() ![]() ![]() It was realistic enough, totally got the tension with Edmure and liked how it ended |
![]() ![]() ![]() So, will Marq handle the Westerlands form the Golden Tooth, does that mean he have to wed the widow of Lord Leo Lefford (who was with Tywin's host) or with one of the sisters of Devan Lannister, since their mother was a Lefford? You will take 'political' inspiration of Ramsay's wedding with Hornwood's widow, and/or Lancel's betrothed to the oldest daughter of Jaime's "sibling student" and Lord Raymun's sister? And by the way, since Lannisters do not have the capital in this AU 300 AC, and pratically have lost the war, what would be Doran and Martell's next movement? Will sent Oberyn to Stannis, SIdmure, or going to Dany, with Quentyn and Company? Heck, even INSTEAD on Quentyn's place, since the Red Viper had been a sellsword on Essos before. And how will be Edmure's next move, after with West and the Tully-Vance(-Frey) wedding dealt for good? Ironborn (for Seagard), Stannis and 'allies', or a friends and family reunion with or from the Vale? |
![]() ![]() Thumbs up for another great chapter |
![]() ![]() ![]() Loved the chapter, this fic has recently become one of my favourites, always really happy to see it updated. Keep up the good work! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I still think North get to easily out of this for their actions. But its how it is. Maybe Edmure should write Wilas himself. Loras sure would stay as guest a loooong time but Wilas and his grandmother surely would accept any help at this point. |
![]() ![]() Good chapter as always. Honestly, why did Edmure think things with Loras would work out? Loras if anything is a younger version of Jaime Lannister in terms of personality. This was never going to work. Not when Edmure actually IS responsible for Garlan and Mace dying. Kevan is on the other hand very calm and collected. He had a good idea how things would play out and is experienced enough to know that that is the way forward. The terms agreed make sense. I completely agree with you in that Edmure simply can't brute force a solution in the Westerlands, not when there are bigger enemies out there. He should have also thought of maybe arranging some marriages between the two kingdoms to cement the alliance. Though it might be a little early for that. So, that is the western border dealt with if everything works out. Leaving Stannis and Euron as the biggest concerns right now. And Littlefinger in the Vale also should not be forgotten. While I can see why Marq thinks his new command is a punishment for failure, I hope he realizes it is in truth a favour and opportunity to regain some respect. Adding the Company of the Cat to his command doesn't seem like the best idea though. They might inflame tensions. Edmure's bride to be has arrived. So next chapter has them getting to know each other. Or will they go straight for the wedding? After all, the sooner it is done the better. That the pyromancers enjoy a surge in popularity is to be expected. After how Edmure made obvious how he favours them, the performance of wildfire during the battle of the Blackwater and now with the Order of the Maester heavily damaged, it is only natural that many of the Riverlords will seek to add a alchemist to their court. And with the Citadel in its current situation, Edmure doesn't have to worry too much about the blowback. Something he DOES have to worry about are religious fanatics. In canon the Sparrow movement was soon to make its debut. In King's Landing. Here in the Riverlands, where they originated, they might show up sooner. And that isn't taking into account the extra chaos this AU contains. The destruction of Oldtown by the Ironborn, who worship the Drowned God and no doubt made a show of sacrifices and desecrating all septs in the city. King's Landing being half-destroyed by Cersei's wildfire and now being ruled by Stannis who don't care about the Seven and will no doubt give Melisandre and her followers quite a bit of leeway in her worship. All the refugees from the Reach, escaping the chaos there. Yeah, a perfect recipe for disaster. One that Edmure will no doubt soon be feeling the consequences of. Thanks for your work. Until next time. |
![]() ![]() Since when was Loras a good guy? lol |
![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you for the chapter. Very smart thinking on Edmure's part. With the Lannisters in his pocket, his position is so much better. The gold will very useful to build up the Riverlands. Tyrell was completely emotional and unreasonable. Edmure should either give up on that family and ally with a different Reach family to bring stability to that region. But more important than anything else: he must make an agreement with Daenerys as soon as possible from a position of strength. It sound so much better to invite her back to take up her rightful throne than to bend the knee before a powerful invader. |
![]() ![]() ![]() You really capture the essence of Game of Thrones in your fic. It isn't big flashy action with dragons breathing fire, armies clashing or heads flying off but rich dialog, political maneuvering and verbal sparing that really make this entertaining and you showed that in this chapter with the interactions of Loras and Kevan and their political talk. Well done. |