Reviews for A Fish Out of Water (ASOIAF SI)
Sam the binge reader chapter 1 . 12/25/2020
damn in edmure body of all people...the floppy fish hahaha
Kuman chapter 24 . 12/23/2020
A very interesting story. I laughed a lot when Edmure uses his secret weapon to bring the many squabbling lords into his side. "Call center representative" LOL as one who had that job before I can concur that's how to deal with lousy customers.

I should think that there should be a lull in the fighting now. Everyone is busy licking their wounds that the Riverlands can afford a few months worth of peace before hostilities spring up again. Maybe Edmure can use his modern knowledge to strengthen his position? Looking forward for more chapters
CANT HANDLE THIS VANILLA chapter 25 . 12/18/2020
Might this be on-going? Its a really good read
adiablo123 chapter 25 . 12/12/2020
Please update!
Luke chapter 25 . 12/9/2020
Great story! Really hope it isn't dead and you continue.
stevem1 chapter 25 . 12/4/2020
Edmure is being very smart here.
stevem1 chapter 15 . 12/4/2020
I really like how the self-insert screws up on occasion.
stevem1 chapter 6 . 12/4/2020
I like Jim’s promotion.
kalipendragon chapter 25 . 11/15/2020
Pretty good fic, I'm sad to see it's been so long since updating. I do like the fact that the MC is basically your average Joe with book knowledge as most SI's are always some kind of genius who uplifts their territories to a ridiculous amount. It makes it more realistic.
Ptolemyspyjamas chapter 4 . 11/11/2020
This is slightly more realistic than Edmure Tully hoping to hatch a dragon but not by much. This idiot couldn't be bothered to check the date or any number of events like who the Hand of the King was? Instead he raises troops which could've bankrupted House Tully before the war starts leaving them vulnerable when they needed to be strong the most.

Reading about someone who has no idea how medieval warfare works, sucks. Though I guess that's exactly what an SI is? It might be mildly interesting if this is a take on how even knowing the future can't help you if you're dumb but I'm not interested in reading that.
bob the kraken chapter 25 . 11/4/2020
I just binge read this entire story and I must say it has been quite a satisfying and very entertaining read and I commend you for it
Nothingburger chapter 25 . 10/30/2020
To see Jorahs face when he hears the riverlands and westerlands have already sworn for Dany. He will go wtf is going on in Westeros.
thepkrmgc chapter 25 . 10/16/2020
Props to Kevan for being willing to compromise, and for our hero for offering it in the first place. I look forward to actually seeing the woman Edmure's going to marry.
thepkrmgc chapter 24 . 10/16/2020
At the end of the day, as much as you might conflict with family, you still wish them the best: it's good that it shone through.
thepkrmgc chapter 23 . 10/16/2020
I'm honestly impressed that he's managed to keep his secrets so well tbh
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