Reviews for Nacos and a Movie
Bluevonne chapter 1 . 6/20/2022
this time I gree with Ron, If Kim is not scared fighting crazy people, putting her life in danger well may she will enjoy the movie. Also I like Kim going retro in this Date3
writerchic16 chapter 75 . 3/21/2020
And all is right in Middleton! Bonnie went too far this time, now she has to face the consequences. Nice wrap-up!
CajunBear73 chapter 75 . 3/2/2020
Love it when a plan...of Bonnie's doesn't come together...

CajunBear73 chapter 74 . 3/2/2020
Once again...the villain going off on a monologue-rant saved the day!

CajunBear73 chapter 73 . 3/2/2020
Sounds like Bonnie's about to triumph, eh?

More coming to the rescue, though.

CajunBear73 chapter 72 . 3/2/2020
Setting up the Snarky high school queen, eh?

writerchic16 chapter 71 . 2/22/2020
I appreciate that Jim & Tim knew when Bonnie went too far. Hopefully they've learned a lesson about working with Kim's enemies. Also loved the part where Rufus went to play video games while Kim & Ron went on their date. Most pets would stay home, but not Rufus, he's got places to be!

So, will there be a final wrap-up chapter? Please?
writerchic16 chapter 49 . 2/13/2020
The Drakken and Shego plot is my favorite story line. I love the idea of Drakken successfully building a suit to counteract Kim's. The comet angle was interesting too. Lol'ing at Ron needing to use the bathroom on a mission, I'm sure the issue's come up before. Sometimes they are in the villain's lair for a long time!
writerchic16 chapter 12 . 1/30/2020
I'm liking this story so far! It makes me wish we got to see more of Bonnie and Junior as a couple. I can absolutely see her enjoying his money, and involving him in her rivalry with Kim. (Side note, I'd love to see her morals tested the longer she's under the Seniors' evil influence.) I like that you included in a Drakken plot too. And I didn't expect that twist to Bonnie's rumor troubles - I forgot that "AddressBook" came about around the time Kim graduated. It's cool that we get to see Middleton High react to the dawn of social media.
Mr. Aanonymous chapter 10 . 8/2/2019
are there any lemons in this story?
F86Sabre53 chapter 1 . 6/27/2019
I wonder what Drakken and Bonnie have up their sleeves that could spoil Kim and Ron's date
Guest chapter 14 . 5/27/2019
It was Copernicus not Galileo.
DisneyGirl24 chapter 71 . 5/17/2019
Oh things are getting interesting please update!
CajunBear73 chapter 71 . 5/17/2019
But, can Ron save the day?


We'll see.

PossibleFan22 chapter 70 . 5/12/2019
Oh finally you updated and I loved it! Please update soon!

Will Kim go to jail? I'm very interested in what will happen next. Please update soon and don't make me wait as long please!

Very awesome writing, I love how you keep everyone in character. Update soon!
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