Reviews for We're In This Together
Guest chapter 66 . 11/9/2022
God, I live Pansy so much in this story. She's so fascinating & layered.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2022
This site would be so much better if not for pathetic, spineless bitches like Bostonette. Trolls must have such miserable lives.
Bostonette chapter 1 . 11/8/2022
You pathetic, spineless bitch. Stories like this garbage
should never be published for any reason. Especially when the author uses their own useless selves as Harry’s character, and has a horrible plot in every way as you do.
Guest chapter 65 . 11/2/2022
Pansy getting tipsy with her friend was a really cute & funny scene.
gidost chapter 3 . 11/1/2022
I can guess all the other 90 chapters in following sentences below.
All Pansy saying is right and Harry trusts her in one meeting and she’s going to be a heroine that will not do anything wrong and She suddenly became the best friend of Harry.
If you made at least a bit slow melding romance and add a bit drama into it, it would be a little more believable.
However, thanks and you are the king of your story and do whatever you want.
Best regards.
gidost chapter 1 . 11/1/2022
My Dumbledore bashing sensors sensed a lord Harry potter with Dumbledore stealing from him and all the cliche in other fanfics.
Let’s see how story concludes.
I’m not a Dumbledore lover but I hate he’s bashed unfairly in most fanfics.
Most people don’t look at him like a person that can do wrong and right and he’s not a god without any faults.
However, thanks for writing this story.
It’s too soon for judging this fanfic.
Ophis-The-Infinite-Dragon-God chapter 40 . 10/13/2022
Absolutely fantastic ending to Snape, I must admit it is perhaps my favourite to date; most people go over the top with punishment usually just have him perish to a killing curse or outright try to have the little traitor redeemed/seen as being a misunderstood hero, I'm truly impressed by your conclusion of him, it was truly satisfying on so many levels.
Guest chapter 64 . 10/4/2022
God, I love Slughorn in this- you've captured the fact that he genuinely liked Harry and thus he stepped up in spite of his cowardice and vanity, just like in canon when he was personally dueling Voldemort in the final battle.

Too many people seem to forget that, which is a shame as he's actually the best example of a nuanced character & the only Slytherin who isn't a bully, thug, or villain.
Guest chapter 45 . 9/29/2022
The previous reviewer is talking out of hiss ass. Pansy is never raped by anyone in this story. Fucking troll.
GloriouSin chapter 45 . 9/29/2022
What is people's obsession with having the MC's romantic interest raped? Is that like a fantasy everyone except me has and im being weird?

Fucked up author and obviously a kid, nothing else to say ;p what's wrong with ALL fanfic authors? It's either sunshine, unicorns and rainbows K rated endings or Dark Eldar, nothing in between ;p same for their mc strength it's either pitiful useless pussy or god among gods, again nothing in between ;p
redeyehawk23 chapter 92 . 9/25/2022
ending was a bit of a let down but otherwise the story was fine
ChieffySZN chapter 22 . 9/22/2022
True sailors sail in the ‘Red Sea’
Ckg833 chapter 5 . 9/21/2022
Great Story love the way the characters are coming alive….
Guest chapter 1 . 9/17/2022
You immediately hooked me with the lovely intro letter. It was really nice to peek into your brain for a bit, and I'm really looking forward to giving this story a read. Here goes nothing...
Andrew4815 chapter 77 . 8/30/2022
LOL. So after the latest Android update, the text to speech function can auto translate foreign words. Unfortunately, the Romanian word for "month" is "Luna". "Hestia and Flora?, the month asked". I was so confused!
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