Reviews for We're In This Together
KongoBongo chapter 21 . 12/1/2021
amusing, however beware the women without a large supply of chocolate
Village-Mystic chapter 88 . 12/1/2021
Didn't quite expect your plot twists, but the supernatural part was satisfactorily played out.
KongoBongo chapter 19 . 12/1/2021
Dumbledore is interesting, I don't see an evil manipulative mustache twirling villain, HOWEVER we know in book 5 he set HP up. He knew Harry's life would suck at the Dursleys. We know by the end of the story HP is set to die like a pig. The life of the many outweighs the life of the one. however, he wanted HP to have a normal childhood. BUT he also knew that wouldn't happen as we see in book 5. So, is Dumbledore evil, no, a manipulative man who has an obsession with death, yea. Telling an orphan the only way for him to see his parents is for him to die. Sorry, i really dont like the character,
KongoBongo chapter 18 . 12/1/2021
nice and not something that's pointed out in cannon, has to be an issue really. JKR i imagine gave no thought to the whole thing, if it wasn't pertinent to the story nor did HP see or care about it.
KongoBongo chapter 17 . 12/1/2021
funny i have had conversations with people saying HP wasn't abused, WTF living in a cupboard and being called a freak is abuse, not physical sure but still. We used to call the first book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Child Abuse
Village-Mystic chapter 87 . 12/1/2021
Well, in this kind of story, I was kind of hoping they had a magical daughter. However, based on the name "Frost" - it may be possible that Steven has a magical family line, as the wizarding names tend to be somewhat on the nose. Sometimes a strange grandparent is just peculiar, and sometimes they are from a wizarding family.
KongoBongo chapter 15 . 12/1/2021
i thought Pansy would do something with the Dementors, but still there was a chance it will go all pear-shaped, and end badly for her. so we shall see
KongoBongo chapter 14 . 12/1/2021
another good chapter, look forward to more; personally, never a fan of Ron. Oh sure, he was 100% better in the books, a lot of what Hermione said in the movies he did however, he was a jealous berk right up to the very end. sadly for HP who had zero friends growing up he didn't want to lose one. As the whole story is pretty much POV of Harry we know that he had no other friends.
KongoBongo chapter 13 . 11/30/2021
Good boyfriend
KongoBongo chapter 12 . 11/30/2021
Always liked the Narcissa who is more black than malformed , good chapter
KongoBongo chapter 6 . 11/30/2021
good chapter, look forward to more
Village-Mystic chapter 84 . 11/30/2021
Good follow-ups on your plot twists.
KongoBongo chapter 2 . 11/30/2021
this is a nice start, different than daphne look forward to more
Village-Mystic chapter 83 . 11/29/2021
So was the killing curse spread out among everyone who owed Harry a life debt?
Village-Mystic chapter 82 . 11/29/2021
Ah, I thought he would recognize Malfoy Manor, but if they are already at the Department of mysteries, that's good.
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