Reviews for We're In This Together
Urgazhi chapter 64 . 11/20/2021
I wonder if little Teddy would even know what a scientist is...
Urgazhi chapter 63 . 11/20/2021
Something that I thought of while reading this, would purebloods even know what the word programmed means? I kind of wondered about the source of the word.

I do kind of like the hints of Pansy getting fleur's hair for the polyjuice potion.
Urgazhi chapter 59 . 11/19/2021
I really like your Carrow twins. I wouldn't say no to reading a story about Harry and them. Nicely done
Village-Mystic chapter 30 . 11/19/2021
Lovely holiday remix with new ground elements. Yep, good thing Harry isn't in charge of *all* of the planning. Although some of the planning he's doing is good and effective.
Urgazhi chapter 55 . 11/19/2021
This is by far still my favorite end to Rita.
Urgazhi chapter 53 . 11/19/2021
Poor Hermione, Harry tried to warn her ..
Village-Mystic chapter 28 . 11/18/2021
Could a house elf be untransfigured from being a bone, I wonder? Was she dead before transfigured, or not dead and just dicarded. Very sad that he killed his wife, too. The confession thing was good. I hope Harry doesn't make a habit of this, regardless.
Urgazhi chapter 51 . 11/18/2021
Oh, oh God. This Viktor, this Hermione... He preys on little girls. I forgot how real you wrote this bit. Angst!
Village-Mystic chapter 27 . 11/18/2021
Good, new alternate plot points. Harry is interacting with the headmaster on a reasonable level. His house ring probably prevents or assists in preventing legimancy, even if he doesn't know what it is yet.
Village-Mystic chapter 26 . 11/18/2021
Yes, and I hope they pay Colin and don't just run them without a by-line. Good use of getting better to being the center of attention for short periods of time, and dealing with "the press" and adulation.
Village-Mystic chapter 25 . 11/18/2021
POV of dementors is scary. How many people did they kill/kiss? It sounds like quite a few.
stevem1 chapter 91 . 11/18/2021
This is an excellent story. The writing is well done and the plot is consistent. The characters of Harry and Pansy are very disturbed, realistically so. They both should be in prison or a mental health ward, but considering Voldemort needed to be dealt with they were the best team for the job.

There’s a lot of gratuitous sex, to the point it bogged down the story, but that’s probably my personal opinion. I suspect it’s a plus for many.

The author did an exceptional job. Highly recommended.
stevem1 chapter 88 . 11/18/2021
This ending for Dumbledore is sort of poetic.
stevem1 chapter 79 . 11/18/2021
It was a nice twist for Hermione to be upset with being obliviated, considering what she did to her parents in canon.
Village-Mystic chapter 24 . 11/18/2021
Well, if you're not going to teach children that Obliviate should be unforgivable, then they are going to use it. I see Lupin as the stooge here, but Harry doesn't have to forgive him for that.
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