Reviews for A Slytherin way of being
not a fan chapter 16 . 11/25
Although the story was good, the ending was too abrupt, leaving too many loose ends, Dumbledore, the Dursleys, the reaction of normal wizards... among other things

You simply rushed everything to finish the story, I hate when that happens in good and entertaining stories
a fan of this chapter 1 . 11/25
I love Astoria and Daphne, most of the time they are portrayed great
BarbedCaress chapter 4 . 11/25
It is the obligation of each of us to protect ourselves.
Remember, when every second matters, the police are only minutes away.
Ponneeswaran chapter 16 . 11/2
The final chapter looked too rushed and too many loose ends. Could've been a couple more chapters to wrap it up nicely. But alas this is your story and you have the right to end it however you like.
carlos29 chapter 16 . 10/14
this is a perfect story.
ZombieBanana chapter 16 . 10/11
Good but I've got blue balls from Albus too many names not having a part of the epilogue.

A heart attack from reading the news that Harry thinks he's the dark lord of prophesy would have been enough to sate me if not as good as a few paragraphs detailing his breakdown as he realizes he is a dark lord of sorts, but for the greater good of course- but... his greater good is beyond gone, meaning it was all for naught, then bam heart attack... or a stroke, or maybe losing his magic and dying from a broken oath taken with his lover or something of the sort.
Nightcrawler X chapter 1 . 10/8
You are the abortion of nature
FotoDi chapter 16 . 9/29
Harry Potter doesn’t meet the Queen?

Think about it —- It would help if she
acknowledged that the Royal Family
has always “been in the know”.

Where did Fudge go?

What about Centaurs, Merfolk, Giants,
Goblins, House Elves, dwarves, Vampires,
Werewolves, etc… Intelligent magical races
that cannot blend in with “normal” non-
magical races.

Magical creatures are another HUGE problem.
Unicorns, Dragons, Nundu, Phoenix, Cerebus,
Griffins, Acromantula, Hydra, Abraxans, Pegasus,
Manticore, Basilisks, etc.

What? Will magical sanctuaries and races
Be forcibly segregated to giant Theme Parks?
(Think Jurassic Park!)

Crazy dilemma…..

Nice attempt to address it.
WeisseHex chapter 16 . 9/27
Great story! Loved IT!
ashleydrury chapter 16 . 8/2
I enjoyed your story very much. I read for pleasure, not to pick holes in an authors efforts. I spotted some issues with the story, but they didnt detract from my reading pleasure. More please...
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8
Rly wish Hermione was part of that list. After everything to be excluded sucks.

I'd like to know why she would stun a random rat running from that tree without any info since she didn't follow them in. Also trying to remember what year that spell is even taught come to think of it.
noylj chapter 10 . 3/25
Couldn't think Obliviate Totalus?
johnhenrylowry chapter 16 . 1/10
Well, as a fluffy story with Harry and Daphne as the main characters, it starts off with their interactions and includes other female students at Hogwarts. However, the story moves away from that and focuses more on defeating Voldemort in Dumbledore's army. There is a lot of jumping around between each event, which can be a bit confusing. If you did a new story or even rewrote this one, maybe focusing more on the character interaction and details about the events that are missing. For example, finding out about magic in America or Britain would be interesting. You might also include some chapters that focus more on the interaction between Harry and the girls, as the story started off that way but I saw less of it as the story went on.
Kyr chapter 16 . 1/6
Nicely done. Read the note and although quickly ended, you managed to tie most ends. Thank you for sharing.
LOLspc chapter 16 . 12/16/2023
the only negative is that it wasn't longer
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