Reviews for And Now For Something Completely Different
Katerina chapter 1 . 3/3/2021
This book has the same D.O.B. as me lol
Jade Malloy Lupin chapter 27 . 12/21/2020
What can I say except: what an incredible job! I'm a bit disappointed, however, that you didn't finish this wonderful story. I went from laughter to tears and through all sorts of emotional ranges. And I wanted to thank you, it's not often I enjoy a fanfiction so much! This story is now in my top 20... I was also very impressed by the perfect characterisation of the characters. When you started this story, only four volumes had been published and the main characters such as Harry, Ron and Hermione had not finished their evolution. Despite this, you captured their essence, you knew how to make them evolve in your own way and you did it very well. I'm really impressed. I also loved the relationship you built between Sirius and Hermione. And to think that Sirmione was just starting to bloom in 2003... I found that you made their relationship very credible, the fact that Sirius rejected her because he didn't consider himself worthy enough and too old pleased me. Like Hermione, I didn't understand this sudden change in behaviour between her sixth year and the rest of the story. I didn't know how you were going to bring them together and it seemed complicated given Sirius' attitude. And when he kissed her in the church because he was hallucinating, it tilted immediately. Even though I had doubts after the conversation with Lupin, I understood that he really loved her and that it was himself who was disgusted, not her. But I wonder what made him change his mind and choose to declare himself, the so-called death of Harry and Ron? I also greatly appreciated the friendship between the golden trio which I found very beautiful and far more powerful than the bland relationship Rowling created between Ron and Hermione. They are so much better when they are just friends. What you have done with Draco is also incredible. It's clearly the best character development in this story and it's brilliant. I would have loved to read this story to the end because it had so much potential. I want you to know that you have a real talent for storytelling and if you are ever caught up in it again, don't hesitate to finish it. I wish you a good continuation.
snewby chapter 27 . 11/30/2020
15 years later, still hold up. Cheers on a great story. I hope that you'll one day return and finish such an engaging read. Perhaps as a retirement gift to yourself (and to us) :)
Baiabaia chapter 27 . 10/21/2020
Omg this is so cool
Guest chapter 27 . 3/19/2020
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE MORE!THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING AND I LOVE IT! PUH-LEEEEASE? pretty please? please with recommendations to all of my friends on top? please update!
Guest chapter 27 . 2/2/2020
PLEASE UPDATE! I LOVE THIS STORY! I mean... it's kinda sorta really wrong that Sirius feels that way towards Hermione, considering he's plenty old enough to be her father but STILL! I REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS STORY! IVE STAYED UP ALL LAST NIGHT READING THIS PLEASE DON'T LET IT GO TO WASTE! PLEEEEAAAAAASSEEEE UPDAAAATTEEEE!
bella chapter 27 . 11/10/2018
please update. this story is amazing. it is interesting and has a lot of twists. i couldnt stop reading.
Sarali84 chapter 27 . 5/13/2018
Amazing fanfic. I can't believe it hasn't been updated for so long. I truly keep my fingers crossed that eventually you will finish this intriguing story. And that hermione and sirius finally will be together.
Eps8181 chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Please finish this story! Is so good!
Guest chapter 27 . 3/1/2018
One of the best fics ever! Please continue it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
I know it's been like 12 years but will you ever update ;-;
Guest chapter 27 . 1/27/2017
poppins8 chapter 27 . 1/1/2017
AHHHHH This story is so perfect. Just utterly utterly perfect.
Elena chapter 27 . 9/26/2016
Please update! This is the best fic I've read so far!
l chapter 27 . 9/8/2016
one of the most intriguing and well-written stories out there... such a loss it's not go na be updated probably ever *sigh*
you are amazing, thank you
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