Reviews for Light up the Sky
BlueSeraphos chapter 38 . 1/24/2020
Holy god of Ramen, I missed this so much.
KuroHinata chapter 38 . 1/24/2020
head tilt. ah. which is which again. tracked half of them then got scrambled with Varia. lol.
thanks for the update. just need to refresh my family/guardian tree there...going back to previous chaps.
Shadowecreeper chapter 38 . 1/24/2020
no they didn't update all they did was delete the chapter that they did last time an author's note
Guest chapter 30 . 1/23/2020
This chapter is repeated
JustABird chapter 39 . 1/22/2020
Nah, we only get Email updates when you upload a new chapter.
They were most likely on the mobile app since it send a notification even when an older chapter is updated.
Guest chapter 27 . 1/22/2020
I think it'd really mess with Reborn if Naruto quoted Iemitsu's words to him. The ones that were WAY back, that most people wouldn't even remember.

Shame he didn't ask if Timoteo still had those phobias he gave him.
Guest chapter 22 . 1/22/2020
"I said I wanted shio."
"Too bad."
Guest chapter 17 . 1/22/2020
Well, I suppose Shamal's experiences there, would give him motivation to Improve his medical skills.

"nobody's crazy enough to volunteer to be his patient dummy". Well, good thing there's a supply of 'volunteers' in enemy mafioso. Eventually.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/22/2020
Well, at least Naruto knows enough not to use one particular jutsu in his arsenal with Shamal around. Though the idea of taunting him with the idea of it is kind of amusing. Managing to get Shamal to end up unknowingly use it would be amazing, though I doubt Naruto could manage that. (He'd probably think it was a very strange mist illusion, though.)
Guest chapter 13 . 1/22/2020
I'm kind of half hoping that the Vindice end up accidentally catching Demon Spade with this increased activity. And them not realizing it until after he's already in one of the cells.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/22/2020
I'm so looking forward to Naruto calling out Timoteo at EVERY chance in the future. Especially when he becomes the 'heir'.
ACasualHuman chapter 39 . 1/22/2020
lmao, I think it's only the people who have it downloaded. I haven't been getting emails, but I sure am getting notifications (from the app on my phone) that there's been an update.

So anyway, thank you for your work and for this little reminder/check-in.

I've been planning on rereading this anyways, so don't be surprised if you see me again lol. (looking forward to figuring out when exactly Fon stops being a Lil' grudge baby, but instead becomes a man of grudges).
Clow Angel chapter 39 . 1/22/2020
Oh, okay gotcha. We only receive notifications on the app, by the way. We don't get any in e-mail.
RunFromTheMedic chapter 39 . 1/22/2020

Minaly22 chapter 39 . 1/22/2020
the notifications happen on the mobile app, i think. because if you refresh on the website while watching over your follow/favorite list like a hawk, it won't show that it was newly updated, and also won't receive the update email.
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