Reviews for Light up the Sky
Eragon135790 chapter 2 . 1/15/2022
if he wanted paperwork free he could always just hide in a jungle nsomewhere and only leave to get ramen.
gosha.geraschenko17 chapter 38 . 11/17/2021
Voi, man, will there be a sequel to this? It's just terrible that she was interrupted
Amu4ever chapter 38 . 9/15/2021
Oh my, this story was truly something else. Thanks for sharing!
Amu4ever chapter 9 . 9/12/2021
Oh my, Tsuna is already way older then I thought. Took the adults a while to react.

Also, having Narutos love of orange make sense for a change is really cool. :-)
Amu4ever chapter 1 . 9/12/2021
Wow, that is an awesome end for the chapter. Evil fox right there XD
Raven R. Mahmood chapter 23 . 5/31/2021
You know what
I think this is the exact scenario that would have happened if black beared and luffy became friends in jaya island before skypia arc lol
random-k chapter 38 . 4/12/2021
This has been a great read read start to finish
Eluvia Umbra chapter 38 . 3/5/2021
Wow, I bloody love your story~! So awesome, can't wait for more!
Doctor Bisharp chapter 38 . 2/14/2021
This story is great! Please keep up the good work. This is a masterpiece.
Sakura Lisel chapter 11 . 2/14/2021
Dang... I almost wish that fight was on tv so I could see a gigantic mafia family army of ADULTS who have YEARS if not DECADES of experience handling dangerous situations, only to be taken by super powered kindergartners in a matter of minutes like all those DECADES of training were nothing. *lol*
vrani140 chapter 38 . 1/26/2021
continue, please
MissNoir11 chapter 3 . 1/20/2021
"Nobody could be this absent-minded, placid, gullible, optimistic and so fucking zen, that It put natural sages like Ogama-jiji to shame."

I was laughing with tears at this part. Pure comedy gold.
FlareWyvern chapter 15 . 1/7/2021
Hope to see more of this amazing fic
Guest chapter 38 . 1/1/2021
I’m in love! iTs bEen a YeaR nOw
MonoInu007 chapter 38 . 12/9/2020
*wheezing* I wasn't stopped laughing during reading this story! pls undating it! pleasssse! it's amazing story!
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