Reviews for Light up the Sky
MarionD.Campbell chapter 38 . 12/1/2020
Please continue this story, i love it so much. One of the greatest things i read all year.
DaiiRinne chapter 38 . 11/26/2020
Lmao this is seriously gold I love it! I love the way Naruto just drops in with everyone in the other dimension it's seriously hilarious how they mess with their counterparts. I honestly can't wait for people to react to Anko or the other counterparts that haven't met to meet. Anyway I love this and I'm excited to read more!
Sultan Asil Arslan-Hiatus chapter 38 . 11/25/2020
Please update!
DragonClanMaster chapter 38 . 11/15/2020
I may have nearly died laughing my a** off several times while reading this.
Midnight49 chapter 38 . 11/5/2020
I just all of this story in 3 days and I’m hyped up for the next chapter to get release.
dianille chapter 2 . 11/3/2020
Kurama shrunk too?
dianille chapter 1 . 11/3/2020
I thought I was already read this, turns out I have not
Jose Daniel Davalo Garcia chapter 1 . 11/1/2020
Quisiera pedir tu permiso para que me permitas publicar este fic en YouTube ya que me encantó esta historia y quisiera que fuera el primero que yegue a subir
Elizabeth loines chapter 1 . 10/15/2020
Please incorporate we are proud individuals,I’d like to see naruto and sasuke fucking shit up
Elizabeth loines chapter 38 . 10/15/2020
Please update soon
Su-Ltan chapter 38 . 10/6/2020
I hope you keep writing, I love your fic so much that I can't stop laughing!
Phoenix chapter 38 . 9/18/2020
Naruto driving people to drink since his birth. LOL
Uncle Dork chapter 4 . 9/8/2020
Kurama, never change
shellyz chapter 38 . 8/3/2020
I wish you would update or finish this. Its frikkin hilarious and 1 of my favorite crossovers.
BlackOrchid20 chapter 38 . 8/1/2020
I wonder how Xanxus reacts to the Exams Naruto made
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