Reviews for Reunion of the Three Dragons
prinzjay1998 chapter 2 . 6/5/2024
This is gourmet stuff. Fuck those haters.
Child of Jon Snow chapter 2 . 12/6/2023
Big dragon. Im caclking.
ashenerden chapter 1 . 1/1/2023
Apart from the nonsensical plot and the illogical and badly written characters it was a nice story.
NAJ P. Jackson chapter 2 . 11/19/2022
Shame it ended there. Would have liked to see the reactions of others upon his return. And reactions to Viserion's size.

And don't mind the review below me. Guy doesn't even have the guts to review with an account and hides behind the anonymity of Guest reviews. In my opinion these type of reviews are irrelevant. You want to criticize a story? Do it proudly in your name.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/13/2022
I keep saying it. This fanfic is rubbish. And an insult to fans of Jon, Daenerys and Jonerys. Daenerys is portrayed as just another whore, two-faced bitch. Aegon is a madman who causes a sword fight and has bastards ruling everywhere. He learned nothing from the stories of BlackFyre. Garbage, garbage, garbage. And bad spelling. Also. To the author, Fuck you.
fmannie2 chapter 2 . 5/6/2022
I really enjoyed this. I really hope you make another chapter!
cadamban.k chapter 2 . 8/13/2021
I don't get it. I understand him going with Jon snow. I understand about him staying north. I even understand him concealing his dragon.

But,still calling himself Ned's son. I can't fathom that. After all the stain in Ned's honour is not Jon as his bastard but letting Jon join the wall without him knowing what he was forsaking. About his real parents. If Jon had gotten to the wall despite knowing the truth then I would understand. But, him not knowing till sweated off his rights to throne and him still calling himself Ned's son is one thing I can stomach.
Aggravated Bob chapter 2 . 4/27/2021
You should keep going mate.
Grim Troll chapter 2 . 5/6/2020
So, just stumbled across it and I find it interesting. Not least because with the fifteen years that passed there was some maturing/growing on all parties parts... and because it makes sort of sense for Jon. Granted, I only have the show and fanfics... and would say that while he is NOT a saint, you don't have to be one to not want power. Or, to *want* to put up with scheming and manipulating children in adults bodies willingly.

I'd think that he would be seen beyond the wall as still being 'King Crow', but that would not be as obvious as southerners would see it. He is respected, his dragon is likely worshiped (it is after all, the size of a freaking castle), but they likely don't make demands of him, as he leads by example/persuasion.

As it is, is awesome and would love to see peoples reaction to him heading to kings landing :) chapter 2 . 4/14/2020
Interesante historia espero que continúes con ella.
Espero que cuando Jon, llegue primero llegue con los Stark y descubra que tiene un hijo con Sansa, para agregar mas tensión al reino xD.
hfjdsahflkdsa chapter 2 . 3/22/2020
I need a follow up of this! Its so good!
Nagraj chapter 2 . 2/7/2020
Only good thing in this story is how powerful Jon is, otherwise don't know what are you drinking when started to write this awful fiction.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/30/2019
And Jon Snow continues to be a weak minded bitch-boy. It's very well written though.
DivergentWitch chapter 2 . 11/2/2019
Short but Powerful . A wonderful story !
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