Reviews for Apocryphal Variance
HesoHandsome chapter 13 . 8/23
nexusplayer chapter 15 . 8/22
And it was never updated again
Spedyalarm chapter 15 . 8/22
This is a really good story. Shame it hasn't been continued.
Leviathan1914 chapter 1 . 7/10
It seems that Rider of Red's Invincibility NP is almost useless considering that with the exception of Assassin the other blue servants have some form of ability or method to ignore Achilles's Invincibility

Saber/Artoria Pendragon
- Excalibur (Divine Weapon)

Lancer/Cú Chulainn
- Divinity (Demigod)

- Projection of Anti-Divine/God Slaying Weapons
- Projection of Rulebreaker (form of friendship)

- Small amount of Divinity (Fallen Goddess)
- Mystic Eyes of Petrification (possiblity of being effective)

- Divinity (possible Demigod)
- Rule Breaker (form of friendship)

- Divinity (Demigod turned God)
Goten Askil chapter 15 . 4/25
Quite the nice story, even though you're being very evil pushing back the Pendragons' much needed conversation.

Also, Cu and Medusa are really unlucky to be from the routes where they died early. Had they both been from each other's route, they'd be the versions of themselves that shined the most. If you happen to visit this place again, could you say why you chose these origin routes for them?

Well, if you have a chapter or two in reserve I'm not against it either xD Your story is really engaging.
Goten Askil chapter 10 . 4/25
Well, at least curses and poisons are not too much of a danger to anyone with Avalon on their side. I suspect Jeanne would need to have a conceptual weakness to either the curse or one of the poisons to still die if Artoria lent it to her.
That and learning that Artoria is actually even more OP than in her legends with her scabbard returned should be quite disheartening to their ennemies.
Goten Askil chapter 9 . 4/25
When you think about it, the Servants from the 5th Fuyuki war are so overpowered. Like, Illya was sure that Berserker Heracles, with his totally broken NP, would give her effortless victory, and he should against basically any other roster. But then you have Archer who can throw a near-infinity of NPs to him and could overwhelm even God Hand (if he lives long enough, that is). And Artoria who can just blast most of his lives in one shot (when it's not her master doing it). And let's not forget the greatest hero of Ireland and Medusa who was going toe-to-toe against Saber Alter when she had her real master.
Such an utterly broken team, I'd almost pity the Red&Black alliance, lol
Dasgun chapter 2 . 10/1/2023
finhirblank chapter 7 . 8/20/2023
Man. I love this, what a good fic :)
finhirblank chapter 6 . 8/20/2023
Oh boy.
finhirblank chapter 5 . 8/19/2023
So addicting each chapter is
finhirblank chapter 4 . 8/19/2023
Oh boy…! This is honestly so good! Ahhhh, thank you kind sir hehehe favorited
finhirblank chapter 3 . 8/19/2023
finhirblank chapter 2 . 8/19/2023
Thanks for the good chap.
finhirblank chapter 1 . 8/19/2023
Cool concept and nice execution, looking forward to reading more.
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