Reviews for Apocryphal Variance
tkorn1001 chapter 1 . 7/11/2023
Love that you referenced archer killing berserker six times that was probably his most defining moment as a badass and the fact that all the servants are from different routes is awesome too can't wait till saber finds out about archer identity if I had to take a guess it would probably be amusaka Shiro that reveals it
MetallicWolf-FN2004 chapter 15 . 5/10/2023
Hope you come back… the story is so good.

P.S I can’t wait for Saber to find out the truth about Archer. That’s bound to be very interesting… and also heartbreaking given what fate he’s condemned himself to.
fangs of death chapter 15 . 3/2/2023
Great story.
AdvinHobbs chapter 1 . 2/10/2023
That's good!
Archer is a Shiro from Saber root?
Or not?
Saber of Red chapter 11 . 12/20/2022
Like a certain Loli Master and a lot of Masters since said-"Berserker can't be defeatedhe's the strongest man in the world!".
Gigame chapter 15 . 12/1/2022
we are still here, waiting
001Charlemagne chapter 15 . 11/20/2022
It's been a year and four months... Where are you
001Charlemagne chapter 13 . 11/20/2022
They're questioning themselves, good
Gigame chapter 13 . 10/22/2022
man I really love this story
Guest chapter 13 . 9/18/2022
I am honestly kind of wondering why Achilles has that sort of reaction, I'm pretty sure the whole "the greeks invented threesomes, but it was the romans that thought to add women" thing has more fact in it than fiction, so greek servants like Achilles and maybe Chiron shouldn't have any issues with astolfo...unless it's because he looks like a she that disturbs them, maybe it's messing with their sense of attraction, telling them that that's a woman when they logically know that's a man.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/13/2022
I always look forward to the new chapter of this fanfic :'(
ManticoreBlues chapter 15 . 8/14/2022
Holy shit, this is so good! I was so Into reading that when I reached the end of the posted chapters I was rather uncomprenhending that there was nothing more for me to read, for several seconds all I could think was how could there possibly not be more of this wonderful, glorious and divine written gold for me to feast my gluttonous, greedy, worshipping eyes upon? you are a wonderful and absolutely great writer and just like I couldn't comprehend that I had reached the end of the posted chapters I also can't comprehend the amount of work, dedication and time you must have spent to get so good at writing333 I looked forward to future chapters and wish you much passion, inspiration, time, general well being and progress in your writing and life so that you may do that in which you choose to dedicate your time too and continue to do so3 I'd say more but I feel I may be getting a bit too sweet on you, hahaha... anyway, *cough cough* I love your work and look forward to reading more of your written art. for now I'll explore to see if you have any other works I may be interested in... or maybe get to sleep and do that tomorrow? it's 5 a.m so probably the second option but we'll see
of fan and fic chapter 1 . 7/22/2022
This is awesome please finish!
of fan and fic chapter 9 . 7/14/2022
Brutal. But Awesome! So awesome! A fight scene fit for the anime. I can see it now! The whole character.
Milan rogue chapter 1 . 6/13/2022
To Guest and Loud Person: forgot about that, but anyway Herc still won’t be able to take on an entire faction (maybe the Black faction but Red is still really OP)
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