Reviews for My Hero Academia Plus Wolverine
lycan13 chapter 18 . 7/21/2023
Since Mt. Lady can't regulate her size or enlarge only parts of her body using her quirk to enlarge her breasts wouldn't work.
erasenpai946 chapter 18 . 7/18/2023
I look forward to the addition of Rumi, Ryukyu, Lady Nagant and Nejire to the harem
Death Fury chapter 18 . 7/17/2023
Excellent chapter
txmazo chapter 18 . 7/17/2023
This was a good chapter, now that all the attack of the 1-A students is over, now izuku with his mother have their moment together being wild in mating, and to improve joins the fun increasing their moment of fun , now izuku has claimed his second girlfriend and having his moment of relaxation before the festival begins, I liked this chapter a lot mate
Guest chapter 18 . 7/17/2023
seems the harem is growing, nice addition with mt lady
Kubz Boy chapter 18 . 7/17/2023
I give this 11/10.
A10riddick chapter 3 . 7/16/2023
Great chapter!
StrongGuy159 chapter 18 . 7/16/2023
Awesome chapter continue please.
Gamelover41592 chapter 18 . 7/16/2023
excellent work on this chapter
biob1 chapter 4 . 6/4/2023
still interesting
biob1 chapter 3 . 6/4/2023
biob1 chapter 1 . 6/2/2023
Shadowninjaassassinspy chapter 1 . 6/2/2023
Correction its addamantium
jimmy.oz chapter 4 . 4/6/2023
Wont lie feels weird seeing anyone that is close to wolverine in personality somewhat to be known as the symbol of peace lol. with all the quirks he will get for one for all hell even if he didn't have the vibranium he would be pretty powerful.
jimmy.oz chapter 1 . 4/6/2023
If you finish this i will for sure read it. not only is it interesting but anything with Wolverine is awesome. however i will let you know you kept spelling Midnights real name wrong since it is Nemuri not Nermuri. not that it is a big deal though.
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