Reviews for Naruto Uzumaki Ero-Ninja
neganG chapter 37 . 7/2/2019
So, Hinata just told Kurenai about Naruto's secret? what a disgusting sell out, she should be cut from the harem
Flayer chapter 2 . 7/2/2019
Another fanboy making an Harem, but focusing on Hinata. I'm out.
InfinityMask chapter 3 . 6/28/2019
Hmm.. let's see what you planning for sasuke. So far I kinda like him. Which is surprising.. hahaha
Beastyd22 chapter 3 . 6/27/2019
Awesome chapter
insanemaelstorm chapter 40 . 6/26/2019
Nice chapter. Like how kurotsuchi was portrayed in this chapter along with Roshi. Poor Roshi. Wonder what Naruto will decide. Can't wait to read more
010283772shuwhsyyywhh151551 chapter 40 . 6/26/2019
Good chptr author. Just ignore guest who probably coward and have small ball because they can't critic you using their real critic just because majority love your story. Your sentences and plot with flow good to best because we can follow your flow story. Anyway waiting for your next chptr. Hope you try write this story as longer as you can like the lemon sage.

Anyway Look more for your chptr! Just ignore the guest just like below me. They so coward and have small ball to use their real acc. What a loser ...

Anyway author look more for story ! You did a good job. Continue produce storyyy! Support you. Ja ne!
Mike Kromer chapter 40 . 6/26/2019
You know Naruto loves his girls to death lol. Must have more asap. Love it so far, keep it up. Can't wait to see what happens next.
insanemaelstorm chapter 39 . 6/21/2019
This was good. Liked the lemon. Wonder how Naruto will deal with iwa. Can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 39 . 6/20/2019
Terrible. Pretentious plot line, terrible grammar, and over usage of side pairings to justify your own shipping. The side-pairings don't even make sense, you literally shoe-horned most of them because in your mind, even just glance between characters somehow warrants shipping.

On another note, your justifications and actual writing are obnoxiously pretentious. You have your characters act one way, then change to another, while elevating characters who display no redemption whatsoever, All that buildup, for nothing. A lot of these cocksucking readers and reviewers happily suck and stroke your ego only to realize that it was as flaccid as your writing. Pro-tip, if your story is about a harem gathering Naruto, then stick to Naruto gathering a harem. Deviating from that just to tickle your fancy for the other male characters in A FUCKING HAREM FIC is fucking stupid.

Do yourself a favor. Go to your mothers kitchen sink cabinet, find that bottle of Draino, and chug it down. Or jump off a roof. Killing yourself would be the most successful thing in your life. And it'd allow your mother to get started on replacing you. She did regret not aborting you, after all. Hehehehe
Quantum qwazi chapter 5 . 6/19/2019
Dumb even for ero one thing didn’t change no chareqcters are remotely the ones from Sasuke has a harem and they share Sakura wtf
alec-potter chapter 39 . 6/15/2019
KristinalUzumakiPrime23 chapter 39 . 6/11/2019
wow nice lets hope it is good enough to reach number one on my charts of top 100 most amazing stories.
Mike Kromer chapter 39 . 6/10/2019
You know that won't be the end of the fun for them. You know they want to join Naruto's harem of fun sex lol. Must have more asap. Love it so far, keep it up. Can't wait to see what happens next. You know his girls all want him to impregnate them sooner or later lol.
ethan.lukkar chapter 39 . 6/9/2019
Magnificent chapter can’t wait for more please update soon
No Vigilance chapter 39 . 6/9/2019
Boo! Should have knocked them up! ;P
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