Reviews for Knowledge is Power
Guest chapter 4 . 9/24/2023
"if there was one person Harry made an impact on that day, it was the goblins of Gringotts"

So... if there was one person (...), then it was many persons? onemany? Ugh...
Guest chapter 4 . 9/24/2023
"it's physically impossible to want to do anything to make the dead proud or disappoint them"

You know, the way you are writing Harry is really starting to piss me off.
It is most definitely NOT impossible to want xyz. You can want anything and everything. No limits. Certainly no "physical" limits. (Whether it is realistic or possible to get what you want is an entirely different matter.)
And that's ignoring that Harry has no way of actually knowing what does or doesn't come after death - particularly in light of having just learned that magic is real. So why the hell would he believe to know anything about what comes after death? Maybe it actually IS possible to not only want to make the dead proud but to actually achieve that.

All you managed to do with Harry saying that is making him look like an idiot trying to look smart by saying something smart.

Convincingly writing characters that are smarter than the author is impossible. (but not something you cannot "want" ;-)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/24/2023
So, he "liked Harrison better" than "Harry"? Too bad that children don't get to choose their first names. They're called "given" names for a reason - because they're given, not taken.
Will everyone now fall over themselves to accommodate his whims and call him "Harrison"? Because then Snape may actually be more or less justified with his complaints about him being arrogant, spoilt and so on.
And why? Just because you decided that "Harry" isn't good enough and that your oh-so-great main character needs a spectatular name? That would be about the same kind of moronic as claiming that being rich or being a pureblood makes you better - with the difference being that at least being rich enables you to do things you otherwise couldn't and that being a pureblood is at least believed by many to be good for something, whereas having a "great" first name is obviously useless.

Or do you want to claim that Harrison is his actual first name and "Harry" a mere nickname? Because nothing else could possibly be true? All the Hogwarts letters calling him Harry, various Ministry correspondence calling him Harry, the Goblet of Fire spitting out the name Harry, Harry being called Harry at his trial, his OWL results under the name Harry and the Marauders' Map calling him Harry... Are you seriously conceited enough to claim you know better than all of those?

So it does look like you are either shallow, believing that Harry needs a "better" name, or conceited, believing you know better than everyone and everything in the HP Universe, including the original author - or you simply deliberately made Harry shallow - and I'm not sure that would be so much better.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/1/2023
I liked the story till you made Harrison open up and made it about family and gave him emotions the story was good before that
Nemesis Quill chapter 28 . 8/2/2023
Only found this story recently, to find it had been abandoned. I may have read it in the past, but even if I haven't, this story is awesome and well thought out. You're a great writer, and I love reading Smart!Harry stories, especially when he is partnered with Hermione as I am not really keen on Harry/Ginny stories. I hope you either continue writing this story or do a complete rewrite.
Kaylane Maciel d chapter 1 . 7/23/2023
Amei vou ler tudo e teminar mais rápido que conseguir .
Gostaria de perguntar se posso traduzir ? para um app, é claro mais seu perfil.
Tão criativo,tão bom.
Você me daria permissão para traduzir para o português de Brasil?
Ironcoil chapter 28 . 7/4/2023
Truly an amazing work, the fact that you had Harry’s father be the reason he loved halloween instead of lily is a stroke of genuis and one that i feel is unique. I knwo you said this story is abandoned so i do hope that with your improved writing abilities and imagination youll take a second run at this story. I could see it as one where it AU’s at the end of the chamber battle where the venom and tears break the seal along with whatever bindings Harry may have and he takes on a new and much more confident personality due to his fathers influence.
Guest chapter 28 . 7/1/2023
Harrison,what a stupid name.I don't know why some people changes the name harry and changes into harrison or Hadrian( which feels like overcompensating for some muscularity?). That ruined my interest for reading it.
ROBERT-19588 chapter 5 . 6/20/2023
AwesomeX1103 chapter 1 . 5/27/2023
I wanted to read this because the concept was interesting, but every time i read the word harrison i cringed so fucking hard.
LokiLokana chapter 28 . 4/2/2023
I really hope you do return to this because I love this Harry and the originality in it is staggering and just such a joy. But I also understand if you can’t.
Runecutter chapter 3 . 1/29/2023
Wait what? How do they need to track him down, surely Minerva would use the envelope she got sent back to seek out his residence.

Oh, this Harry is horrible. It is perfectly customary and not the least disrespectful to address children in primary education (up to age 12 in most of England) by their given name, although Hogwarts is represented as using secondary education traditions of using Mr/Ms and the last name. Being offended by that shows quite the immaturity and grumpyness that makes him less than sympathetic or impressive. It makes him look like a Draco that was told one thousand times too often how smart he was.
Runecutter chapter 2 . 1/29/2023
Of all the things getting irritable over "Harrison" chose the name of the PLACE? He knows he lives on an island with an insane number of weird, confusing or raunchy names? He grew up in a town named Little Whinging FFS...
I could understand if a well read almost teenager would be frustrated by how unhelpful and lacking in information that letter was, not telling anyhting about magic, the school or how to get these supplies, but that a settlement or manorhouse in England has a weird name is perfectly unconcerning cause it's so trivial.

Now that i've finished the chapter, Harry's response letter is even worse, not only does it sound like the work of a 15 or 17 year old not an 11 year old with slight maturity, it's also pretty arrogant about Larpers, with a weird hate of Star Wars cosplay. I think i'm disappointed of this "thinking" Harry, that he could not get composed a better reply, pointing out the shortcomings of contacting unsuspecting persons without any in depth information and just expect of them to accept the proposition with nothing to see or hold onto.
THEN Minerva should have made the connection to growing up with muggles not giving the boy a good preparation for this situation and that they should have handled him (just in case) as a muggleborn due to the headmasters "brilliant" plan. Her actual objections are pretty silly... the baby she delivered to Surrey was 18 months and had no conscious idea of magic either, how could that garner an expectation in her that he would grow up knowing everything about it? And seeing a child at that age for ... 20 minutes? Maybe? should not inform her impressions about their character for her anyway. (there is more like she did NOT deliver the child, Hagrid and Dumbledore did, but the weird "different" that gets her riled up is the worst bit of her reaction.)
Bronze chapter 3 . 11/1/2022
So far, their meeting isn't going at all how McGonagall expected it to. I dare say even a certain old man would be hard pressed to get any other response from Harrison though. Harrison may very well get along with Snape in this story however, I've always questioned where the man's true loyalty lay. I'm of a mind to say only with himself and no one else. Though Harrison's trust issues make it rather hard as to which House at Hogwash to place him in. I'll wait till the actual sorting to see which House and whether or not the Headmaster has tampered with the Hat to place Harrisom where HE wants him to go.
Bronze chapter 2 . 11/1/2022
To the reader of course Harrison doesn't believe in nor know about magic. It's not like the Dursleys would've told him the truth about it and his true family if they'd kept him. And being in a mundane orphanage wouldn't help in that regard anyways. As to his having any faith in adults, considering how many times they've let him down, why would he? I expect his Hogwash years will be severely disappointing to him. The so-called best school in the world is lacking in too many classes to even matter! He'll be entering a world of Isolationists who refuse to acknowledge that the mundane world has anything to offer. They're stuck anywhere from 150 to 300 years in the past when compared to the mundane world. With no intention of ever moving anyway but backwards. For someone like this Harrison James Potter that's simply moronic to enter.
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