Reviews for A New Start
ragnarshadow chapter 2 . 7/26/2020
You want to continue this? In what point of the story of op you are?
Guest chapter 2 . 3/9/2019
I really hope you continue the story, the premise seems interesting so far and I'd loved to read more. I'm curious if you'll include what we learn about Sanji's backstory post timeskip, I think it could play interestingly with the got universe. I really want to see what happens next
Feldoran chapter 2 . 8/13/2018
A few things felt off here and it’s mostky One Piece stuff. The world of One Piece is mostly ruled by monarchies so to hear them call the contents of the book mideval with kings and queens felt odd.

Patty turning away someone for being a peasant also felt wrong. Patty mostly cares wheather or not the customer can pay, not status.

And Blackleg is an epithet Sanji picked up when he became wanted not a nick name he was known by the restaurant.

Either way I am instetested in where this story might go.
0ldMonk chapter 2 . 8/12/2018
I admit the premise is certainly interesting. It would be interesting to see the character dynamic between them.

I assume the goal of Cersei and Arya would be to get to Westeros back if they did not kill each other while on the way...
Although, the Devil Fruits will be interesting if they...

Well, your prose is sometimes awkward to read, but that just my personally opinion so take that with a grain of salt (could be the omniscient view).

Please continue.
0ldMonk chapter 1 . 8/12/2018
You should not have posted a seperate Author's Note as a chapter because you could just include it into the preface of a chapter...
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
There's no story to read?!
lizard-senpai chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
My word, what a riveting author's note!
seriously though, from what I read of the summary it sounds really good. please write it lol.
StlAjax chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
...You forgot to write a story. D. Minus. I'd give you an F, but that would mean I'd have to see you next semester.
SilentXD7 chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
Very interesting story. I hope you continue with the series in the future and I see great potential in this story. I wonder if this is pre-time skip or post-time strawhats crew.