Reviews for OSaBC Addenda : Sorrows Untold
baud001 chapter 2 . 6/11/2018
I totaly did not see that coming. Good job!
Dude chapter 4 . 6/2/2018
I’ sorry, pel.
Ase Of SpADeZ chapter 4 . 6/2/2018
That hurt my soul
Griezz chapter 4 . 6/2/2018
Like I said before... it gets harder and harder to see why the galaxy in the story should be saved, or as much as buying time from primordial destructive entities could be called saving. However, if we hadn't had that teaser, I could understand Shepard standing before the Catalyst and picking Option 4... do nothing and let it all burn.
Janizary chapter 4 . 6/1/2018
There's a Sam Spade in there somewhere. I'm just not sure how to equate it to Exy without laughing too hard to type.
Cringe Raptor chapter 4 . 6/1/2018
Fucking hell Pel, from what we could glimpse from other bits and pieces i thought he ended up hating her because they never bonded and she kept doing what turian girls do in your universe.

I was not expecting backroom stabbing and hit squads, i knew i wasn't going to be happy.
jerseydanielgibson chapter 3 . 5/31/2018
I know you mentioned something of this in an earlier chapter of "That Which Cannot Die" concerning Tali and Jeff, not to mention some of the mess involving Rael and (the Turian Chick who shall not be named). But this was not at all what I expected. Mine was PG. I knew Jeff practically got killed and Rael almost did to thanks to Tali, but I had expected...

...dunno? Tali magically pregnant?

I can see why Rael did it. It an asshole sort of fashion it makes sense. With Tali being a 'blue blood' Quarian and the daughter of the High Admiral, she definitely called it; girls are there for the joint in between their legs in the Old World nobility sense. Seeing Shala'Raan married to a dick is a little disheartening, but Han stepping in I could definitely see. I'm almost afraid to ask what happened to Daro'Xen concerning her capture, imprisonment/enslavement, and subsequent rescue.

I see a Aria/Lyselle (sp?) one. You've hinted with Ath and Aria about what the Black Blade did and why. Considering you did Urv/Grunt, Amanda/EDI, and now Tali (all kids of someone important) I see Liselle (crap, I really don't remember her name) or KidAria next.

Possible Superhero name for Milara/Mornith; The Evil-Doer... (yep, lame!)
Janizary chapter 3 . 5/29/2018
Wow. Not quite Lividity Jones level of Ugh, but wow.
Janizary chapter 2 . 5/29/2018
"You cursed at the Council for..."

That was awesome.
Janizary chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
Nice perspective from the old dino toad, PhD ;)
Guest chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Well, these two stories are both shocks to the system.

Re: More stories that need to be told, there's only one that really comes to mind - the story of Shepard's parents - assuming you don't already plan to cover it in Lions.

Hmm... Oh, no. Wait. No. Just had an idea. That's not all. We definitely need to know the untold story about Conrad Verner, as well. Yeah.
themann1086 chapter 3 . 5/25/2018
JK Rowling: "I hated killing some of the people at the battle of hogwarts."

George RR Martin: "oh my sweet summer child..."

The Russo Brothers: "hold our beers."

Logical Premise: "hold my liquor cabinet."

Great background details. The cosmic horrors and large scale evil gets a lot of attention, but the small, background evil by everyday people is what makes this universe so interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Nogui chapter 3 . 5/25/2018
Well, shit. Thats not minimally justifiable even by OSABC standards. Rael trying to commit plain simple murder, fuck no.

They sold the braces to a salarian inventor? Oddly specific. Possibly related to the eezo-powered assistance that armors will have in the future (when Sara was reading up on how tech evolved in the past two years).

Hum...Pel found them way too quickly. Seems Cerberus has some eyes and ears in the Fleet.
Militarist chapter 3 . 5/24/2018
Rael, what a piece of asshat you are.

It is very strange that Pellham fiund her so quickly. I doubt that it was by the accident. Who may be able to inform the Cerberus, hmmm?
Griezz chapter 3 . 5/24/2018
Honestly... by this point, I have to wonder just how much of the whole damn galaxy is worth saving. Seriously. Screw the Quarians, screw the Council, and to hell with the Alliance. Sure, there are a few here and there worth saving, such as the direct Normandy crew, some in Cerberus, Tradius Ahern and, I suppose, Anderson and Hackett. For crying out loud, the only ones who come out looking... well, better anyways, in this story are The Illusive Man and Kai Leng. How messed up is that?!

As for Rael... honestly, if your story is anything like canon once the SR-2 gets to the Quarian fleet, Shepard shouldn't hesitate to drop the evidence of Rael's actions on the Quarian Board, let Rael's name be excommunicated or whatever, and take off with Tali, never looking back. Honestly, I don't care if Rael was motivated by jealousy of Tali having her alien lover while Rael had to give up his. He had no right to do what he did, and should pay full price for his own sins.
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