Reviews for OSaBC Addenda : Sorrows Untold
Magnanimator chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Feel there is maybe a hint of shark-jumping here.

Usually, the grimdark elements in your stories are grounded in greed, fear, realpolitik, institutional malaise, stupidity, or some combination thereof

these otoh seem to come out of left field

I suppose UrvGrunt could be justified if Okeer considers Urdnot genetic stock to be particularly ideal, or if Okeer's grudge against the Urdnot is just powerful enough that he'd want to fuck with them that way.

~*~why~*~ would AIS insist on using Amanda Ahern as an AI template, though? Why would AIS be dictating the template to the science team to begin with? Presumably this could be some sort of very convoluted plan to emotionally compromise Ahern and gain leverage over him if he is suspected of having the same forbidden knowledge that Kyle, Chu, and Shepard did. Feels like there are cheaper and more straightforward ways of fucking with Ahern than that, though.

It's a good twist that complicates Ahern's situation in an interesting way, but I figure if AmandaEDI was the plan all along, it's a bit weird that Amanda was just a random marine. This AIS maneuvering would make more sense if she'd been a computer scientist or somebody involved in AI research - the kind of person who would have been proximate to this project and who would make sense as a template for a knowledge machine.
Cringe Raptor chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
This makes me very, very happy, i've been dying to know what the hell actually happened to Pel.

Probably, when i'll get to actually read it will make me very, very upset.

You're one sick bastard and i love you for that.
Gefront chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
You are one sadistic s.o.b., and I love it :)
ArielFetters chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Just when you think the PV can't get any more fucked up...
Tirion I chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
Holy crap, that's some "Yer a Horcrux, Harry" level of plot twist.
Amme92 chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
ooooh the truth about Aria. I'm so hyped
Pallan Minerva chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Nothing like some good old fashioned angst to start the day off.
Argosaxelcaos chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Man, the systems alliance is acting as assholish as ever to its own supporters. It's supposed to be horryfing but it comes off as mustache twirling at this point. However i feel the chapter is saved by Charmichael being a genuinely ethical person that is trying his best in the cesspool that is alliance r&d as well as badass enough to demand things of the high lords! Love the way you write EDI and can't wait for more of her

Keep going man, by this point i replayed ME and wondered why Udina was an asshole XD

Your universe is so good by this point it has completely replaced canon for me
Nogui chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
I just have no thing to say:

Nogui chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
Oh shit...

It is darkly amusing that Sara's adoptive son is also a pseudo-undead augmented being. And I will eagerly await to see how you develop Grunt throughout the series.
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