Reviews for Born Unto Darkness
Reets chapter 7 . 2/7
"Just remember to treat people respectfully even if they are obnoxious rampaging heathens that should be eaten alive and screaming by a Nundu."

I love you.
Obsidian Dreamweaver chapter 7 . 10/7/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "Born Unto Darkness" and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me, and I believe it would translate beautifully into a visually compelling comic book.

As a professional comic artist, I would love to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life as a fully illustrated comic. This project would be commission-based, and I would work closely with you to ensure that every page captures the essence of your story.

If this opportunity excites you, I’d be happy to discuss the process in more detail, including pricing, timelines, and any creative ideas you have in mind.

Please feel free to reach out to me via any of the following:

Discord: lydiacrazy
Instagram: lydiacrazy1
Twitter: Lidi18337530019
Email: lydiacrazy88 gmail . com

Thank you for considering this collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working together to create something truly extraordinary!

Best regards,
Lydia Crazy
Professional Commission Comic Artist
jjw.jade chapter 3 . 8/2/2024
“Voldebum” made me cackle
rubyred753 chapter 7 . 7/21/2024
I really liked this story, thanks for writing and sharing it with us!
Lynne George chapter 5 . 6/12/2024
I'll be honest. I was intrigued by the pairing of Hermione and Snape and Sanguini. It's why I clicked on the story and read. But five out of seven chapters in, there is no sign of romantic feelings with Snape and no sign of Sanguini either and I feel a bit cheated. Would it be possible to not add a pairing in the description unless it has at least some significance to the story?
ScarletRainbow1 chapter 7 . 5/3/2024
Thank you for such a wonderful story, and I hope to read more soon.
Beth1112 chapter 7 . 4/10/2024
I really enjoyed your story.
Pandamega chapter 7 . 4/8/2024
WOW! What a final chapter! What a rush! So much happened and it was all so good! I'm kinda sad it's over, but you really pulled everything together in a spectacular way. The only thing I'd like to see is what Dumbledore is thinking! Just hilarious and absurd what you did to him. What a completely strange and wonderful story! I was not expecting it to go this way and it was delightful to be completely surprised. Thank you!
Pandamega chapter 7 . 4/8/2024
This fic is pure chaos and I love it! It's a crack fic for sure but at times it's serious and poignant, touching on delicate topics and dealing with hurt, betrayed, trauma, and friendship. It's a beautiful story as much as it's chaotic. I've very much enjoyed seeing the wild adventures of Hermione and Snape, and watching all the naysayers face retribution through their own folly. It's been utterly delightful! I love the positivity and openmindedness. I love the hints at some deeper lore regarding harmonies gifts. It's really unique to see her bring together people and creatures alike. I also love fawkes being a total lush! So funny! I'm a little bit confused by the pairing tag, it looks like a three way relationship between Hermione, Snape, and sanguini? I'm not really reading it for the romance so I will be happy whether or not you make this a love story, I'm just enjoying the mayhem! I am glad that you haven't made any moves towards Hermione /Snape while she's still so young. You're taking this fic in a great direction and I trust you to make a brilliant story no matter what happens! I'm excited to see what happens next! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story!
Pandamega chapter 1 . 4/7/2024
Whatever I was expecting, this was NOT it and I'm absolutely delighted! I just love how Hermione is so nonchalant and kind about everything, with no preconceived biases against any creature or situation. And serverus is hilarious with how tenderly cynical he is. I love him! This is the first fic I've ever seen where dementors are just chill lonely dudes and I'm loving it! I'm a big animal lover so I've gotta say I'm a bit jealous of Hermione right now!
evazqueen chapter 7 . 4/2/2024
Este es la tercera o cuarta historia que te leo.
Tienen algo muy muy bueno y luego ingresas tantas cosas nuevas que la verdad hacen que pierda el hilo.
Está ha sido de las historias que más me han gustado. Pero el último capitulo lo mato para mí.
Eres muy buen escritor. Tienes una imaginación. Un poder de narración y desarrollo de trama muy buena. Pero el cierre en la mayoría se lleva lo demás.

Gracias por escribir.
flashingreeneyes chapter 7 . 11/29/2023
Yay! Team Vampire! Excellent work once again!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/28/2023
My apologies, somehow chapter 7 apprared as soon as i posted the review. Awrsome ending to an awesome story! Thank you!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/28/2023
Oh no! I hope this wasnt abandoned. I started reading it bc it was now im doomed...
ASH chapter 7 . 11/10/2023
You updated and finished the story. I know you normally do short-chaptered story.

I honestly expected two or even the more chapters before “the end”. And the ending seems a bit rushed?
Thought out, but rushed
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