Reviews for Valkyrie Potter: Pokemon Journey
Sam hall chapter 10 . 11/1/2024
Very nice fanfic i like it i have an idea for a fanfic where female harry becomes a Pokémon trainer it’s Halloween night in godrics hollow 1981 Voldemort had just found the potters and was determined to kill little Hilda potter due to a prophecy about her he managed to kill James and lily but Hilda’s magic sensing danger teleports her to another world to safety before Voldemort can harm her a just arrived dumbledore Sirius and Remus manage to duel and kill Voldemort getting rid of him for now Sirius notifies dumbledore Peter was the secret keeper this surprises Remus as Sirius explained it was a last minute switch to fool the dark tosser he also explained his god father bond could sense Hilda was alive and unharmed and that her magic has teleported her somewhere safe i don’t know where though dumbledore nodded arrange a funeral for James and lily and get a arrest warrant issued for Peter time to go death eater hunting with baby Hilda she had ended up in blackthorn city in the johto region in the Pokémon world and lance is walking nearby and sees the little baby girl and gently picks her up he sees her name on her blanket oh your Hilda potter such a pretty name don’t worry cutie I’m going to raise you as my own daughter from now on he smiled softly at her he could tell Hilda was just over a year old she giggled and cooed and clapped her little hands back with albus and the others peter was arrested and questioned in a trial he sang like a canary giving the names of all the death eaters in voldemorts army all marked death eaters including Peter malfoy Gregory goyle nott Parkinson flint Avery dolohov rockwood the lestranges the carrows etc were found guilty and were tossed through the veil of death never to be seen again and Sirius with help from the goblins and the department of mysteries discovers how the dark tosser cheated death horcruxes several hours later a diary a ring a locket a cup and a diadem were found to be horcruxes and destroyed leaving nagini voldemorts snake horcrux to find and destroy snape came forward about his crimes and was locked away in Azkaban prison andromeda became the new head of slytherin and the new potions teacher at hogwarts the grey back pack was also found and killed by the order of the phoenix and Dolores umbridge was found guilty of crimes against half bloods and muggle borns and tossed through the veil of death on fudges orders he is smart and decides to take advice from Amelia and dumbledore time skip 4 years Hilda potter is now a happy sweet cheerful 5 year old little girl with black soft tame long hair and green eyes that shine like emeralds she has learned a lot about Pokémon from her classes in school and her daddy lance the dragon master champion of Kanto and johto at a recent summer camp in pallet town after a scavenger hunt Hilda won prizes her first Pokémon a slightly bigger than normal swablu and two Pokémon eggs Hilda was so happy and thanked professor oak happily right now Hilda was keeping an eye on her Pokémon eggs in incubators and is happily running around barefoot and playing with swablu who Hilda discovers is female after a few hours of playing Hilda starts training alongside swablu doing sit ups push ups pull ups jumping jacks climbing trees barefoot and pummeling a punching bag with kicks and punches and swablu started learning more moves and got even better at flying a few weeks passed and Hilda trained with her swablu every day after playing with her also her two eggs hatched into a female froakie and female riolu she also gained more female Pokémon for her team a noibat a trapinch a dratini and a bagon and a gible months passed and Hilda spent time bonding playing and training with all her Pokémon and they are getting stronger every day she also spends time playing with and traveling with her daddy lance and also discovered she was a witch and got her first wand and multiple books on magic and got her wand which was made of oak and the core was a feather donated by her swablu she started learning at a nearby magic school and learned potions charms magical history magical self defense runes arithmancy and had classes on Pokémon and the history of johto years pass Hilda studies magic and trains with her Pokémon every day and over the years they all evolve into their final stages swablu into a slightly bigger than normal altaria froakie all the way to greninja riolu into lucario noibat into noivern gible all the way to garchomp trapinch all the way to flygon dratini all the way to dragonite and bagon all the way to salamence and Hilda got stronger physically and magically and is now a slightly tall for her age ten years old beautiful girl her hair was soft and silky and her green eyes sparkled with happiness she knew she was adopted but loved being the daughter of lance her daddy loved her so much and she loved her daddy equally Hilda and her daddy had packed up and we’re about to fly to Kanto so lance could see the start of his daughters Pokémon journey he had gifted her a new Pokémon a female charmander Hilda was happy and thanked her dad she hopped on altaria and her dad hopped on his dragonite and off they flew fast to pallet town after awhile they arrived Hilda got a rotom phone and some empty poke balls from professor oak and thanked him hugged her daddy and set off to route one her Pokémon journey had started she soon reached route one right now she only had altaria and charmander with her right now and with their help caught a female pidgey a female spearow a female rattata and a female vulpix and when she took her fishing rod to fish for water types Hilda caught a shiny female magikarp a staryu a female goldeen and a female and male poliwag Hilda praised her Pokémon for their help and packed up it was still early when she decided to relax under some nearby trees but didn’t get the chance she heard a commotion and she altaria and charmander saw a flock of spearow towards a boy and his injured pikachu she thought the boy was really cute altaria hyper beam charmander flame thrower they launched their attacks and the spearow were scared away Hilda ran over hello I’m Hilda let me heal your pikachu oh ok I’m ash Ketchum she giggles I’m Hilda potter adopted daughter of lance she sprayed pikachu with a super potion and he was healed instantly pika pikachu cheered ash hugged pikachu who hugged ash happily thanks Hilda can you teach me everything you know about Pokémon Hilda beamed sure in fact you can join me on my journey ash blushed he thought Hilda was pretty and very sweet ok sounds fun yes Hilda cheered together she and ash planned to go through Kanto the orange islands johto hoenn the battle frontier sinnoh unova kalos and alola together they smiled and held hands and walked towards viridian city together both Hilda and ash will age in this fanfic i also decided that Hilda will be barefoot most of the time walking when the weather is warm or the terrain is smooth and soft or when taking breaks this is a Hilda potter x ash Ketchum fanfic i also decided Hilda going barefoot when she can will have ash develop a foot fetish for pretty feet this fanfic will be called the Pokémon journey of Hilda potter i will let the author decide how to write the fanfic if they like my fanfic idea
d.mckinney1014 chapter 8 . 6/29/2024
Lt. Surge is a seer
Guest chapter 30 . 6/26/2024
Why’s her magic so useless? So sad
Gracie15Trowa chapter 22 . 6/27/2024
Here at the bottom of chapter 23 " you'll be facing Steven in your next battle " not Steven or Lance. If you win your next battle you will face Steven .
Monster King chapter 44 . 6/6/2024
The story was amazing I really enjoyed it a lot loved how little charecter bashing was in it and everything in general can't wait to read the sequal which I am reading soon as I do see that Valkyrie Potter: Falling Ashes is out and has been out for quite some time just like this story keep up the good work
Reaper1990 chapter 40 . 5/14/2024
13-8 14-9 15-10 16-11 17-12.
Reaper1990 chapter 9 . 5/12/2024
Don't trainer earn money by beating gym leaders?
Reaper1990 chapter 5 . 5/11/2024
Seriously hate how the water triplets speak, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying.
Reaper1990 chapter 4 . 5/11/2024
Sorry but your getting would and wouldn't mixed up. Still love the story tho.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/3/2024
So not sure it you've played the new game scarlet and violet but in the DLC they untroduced a new character named Perrin who's a photographer, almost sounds and looks like Vali lol.
Reaper1990 chapter 42 . 12/30/2023
Third not Forth.
Reaper1990 chapter 40 . 12/29/2023
So basically the pokemon version of an (obscurial?) not sure on spelling.
Reaper1990 chapter 37 . 12/29/2023
Why not have vali challenge all the elite 4?
Reaper1990 chapter 31 . 12/29/2023
So very early team rocket prototype of the lake of rage machine. Cool.
Reaper1990 chapter 28 . 12/29/2023
Hasn't she already finished the research paper on Fossil pokemon?
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