Reviews for Naruto: The Painter
s.k.f.f.f chapter 13 . 4/29/2020
awesome chapter, it's cool to see the ninja getting shit done without Naruto. and can't wait to see the future epilogue.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/15/2020
Guest chapter 13 . 4/14/2020
Please finish the last chapter during the quarantine.
Jacobgamble1234 chapter 13 . 3/28/2020
Thank you for the update please update soon
Hades676 chapter 13 . 3/19/2020
Guest chapter 13 . 2/26/2020
Ending 10/10
Aftermate 3/10
Guest chapter 13 . 2/23/2020
I love this story and it saddens me that the epilogue is the last chapter but I can't wait for it
Thank you
Nea-Nyx chapter 13 . 2/23/2020
There should me a 'Meanwhile, with Naruto...' part for the next chap. lol. Miht be hilarious to know what he's doing while he's technically 'saving' the world through the 'debts' he lent out.
Guest chapter 13 . 2/20/2020
Let me guess your going to have more rambling flashbacks?
I generally like this story, but the last few chapters have had so much monotonous over explanations that it depreciates the reading experience. If you have to make 2 epilogue chapters, to just have actual character interaction, then please do that.
Also, you said in a previous chapter than Orochimaru killed the sandaime in the invasion; but your story clearly stated that the invasion never what is it?
Silvermane1 chapter 13 . 2/18/2020
Fantastic update
simsfans chapter 13 . 2/16/2020
Update soon please, This chapter made me cry a little :'(
Angel4EverLostInLife chapter 13 . 2/16/2020
Omg welcome back! I loved how the story played out and I can’t wait to see what happens next in the epilogue chapter.
Dancingrage chapter 13 . 2/16/2020
Aside from the fact that, at some point, the issue of Kurama's Yin half needs to be looked at, since he's probably reforming as we speak, you've wrapped this up nicely.
PkmntrainerCam chapter 13 . 2/16/2020
Welcome back.
thor94 chapter 13 . 2/16/2020
really good chapter, even if i kinda hoped to see naruto appear during the war. but look like even without being here, he was the main reason the alliance won.
Also a little inconsistence, why sasuke would kill orochimaru, since the snakeman abandonned his invasion of chunin exam and most of his other evil projects?
Can't wait for the epilogue, wouldn't be surprised that the released bijuu decided to live with naruto somewhere.
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