Reviews for Limitless Eternity
Binge Reader chapter 3 . 8/22/2024
It's a story of a lunatic—don't lump us psychopaths with those, please—trying to achieve his...well, dream. I like the premise. The execution bored me, so not my cup of tea.
PokeyWings207 chapter 39 . 5/29/2024
Wildbow, the guy who doesn't make good use of the Worm configuration, The Dark Wolf Shiro knows how to put it to better use with his super interesting stories.
JustDusty chapter 1 . 3/9/2024
This is an ending that would make Wildbow proud.
GrandpaFromBeyond chapter 39 . 2/24/2024
This shook me... Literally... This was... Unexpected. This made me sad.
PokeyWings207 chapter 39 . 12/13/2023
The real essence is the waifus, not edgy stuff
SR2027 chapter 33 . 11/16/2023
Absolutely beautifully written work. I just can't express the feelings I felt after completing this masterpiece...

I have read it 20 times over, and I can't express how much sad I felt at the end of this beautifully written work. I don't know why people hate the ending, but to be honest, I felt that it perfectly portrays the 'essence' of the Type-Moon universe. Also, as an author myself, I can understand how much pressure the author might feel when ending the story, so I won't blame the author for rushing the ending because of losing motivation.

In the end, I would say that it is absolutely worth reading. And would do whatever I could to forget it completely and read it again.
absolute GARBAGE chapter 1 . 10/19/2023
Beginning is great one of my favorite gamer story starts EVER.
Middle is meh
The end is absolute garbage that makes me regret ever reading this.

If you want to read this story I would suggest reading chapter 34 first because it explains the “pLoT tWiSt”

(Example Ch.34 - “To explain what really happen: The Fenric you have been reading about is a fake puppet created by the real Fenric von Leiqritus. The real one was born into the Nasuverse without any help, and got kinda cra-cra with all the 'Nasuverse mind-breaking situations”)

I thought that the “plot twist” was gonna be
“I am now omnipotent and I now understand why this being gave me this power and I will repeat this act and give my power to some random person”
-even if I would still hate that and not-
“I am but a doll created by myself to see if I could resurrect my sister (that at no point in the story gives me a reason to care for her) but no matter what I do her fate will always be the same (he can).”

TLDR - The ending is just a worst version of “it was all just a dream”
VamPyr00 chapter 33 . 10/17/2023
Freaking amazing story here, though I am EXTREMELY disappointed about the death of poor Charlotte :'(""".
VamPyr00 chapter 23 . 10/17/2023
Poor Charlotte!? She hasn't even had that much character development really but I sincerely hope he can return in time to save her :'(''''''''''
VamPyr00 chapter 21 . 10/17/2023
Pfft, talking shit about righteousness when he kills one injured superhuman and she goes and destroys half a city full of innocent people, smh. Hypocrites.
VamPyr00 chapter 4 . 10/16/2023
Why is he chanting his spells after explaining how Divine Chant is basically the same as Silent Casting? Isn't he just being dumb? Does saying it aloud, despite it being unnecessary, make the spell more powerful?
Kirby The God Eater chapter 1 . 10/2/2023
I genuinely would like to ask, what's up with that ending?
yujichan44 chapter 7 . 9/11/2023
Cringe story. MC wanted to join the German war in the first place to gain EXP but you switch to China instead for the genocide. Dont be a coward writer if you want to write about genociding Jewish folks. You are just a racist against chinese.
ALuoDB chapter 33 . 8/22/2023
What a shitty ending. Yeah, that’s all I have to say.
tronax22 chapter 3 . 8/4/2023
"I don't believe that the Phantasmal Beast won't die after getting smacked by tens of times the strength of an average man." - if it was that simple, a regular mundane gun would be enough.
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