Reviews for Poison Dove & Maelstrom Fox
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 1 . 12/29/2024
Interesting start!
Didi Danial chapter 30 . 11/6/2024
when you going to update you story?
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 27 . 7/26/2024
The battle scene with anko and semi was amazing, although, I think you've overestimated anko since she's not really that strong and her speed is not much...but I guess that can change with the story.
As for the Samurai and the blacksmith, man you really are introducing to much unknown variables that it's becoming a hassle to keep up with.
As for the battle that will happen with sasori and semi...I really hope you aren't planning on doing anything that will in danger Semiramis life or even put an end to said life, because that's just a big no no so please don't do that.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 26 . 7/26/2024
Hm, what a wholesome and wonderful chapter this turned out to be...I'm specially glad to see that Semiramis and Naruto relationship is starting to bloom, albeit it's slow, but I can see that the feelings are there and that the only thing left is for Semiramis and Naruto to acknowledge said feelings or be aware of them in Naruto case.

As for the hyuuga heiress, I guess she'll play a role in helping Naruto and Semiramis realize our feelings towards another eh? In some ways, it's ironic that she'll be the stepping stone towards Naruto and Semiramis getting together but I guess it'll also be good since she'll have her stalking of Naruto stopped.
Wonder if you'll make her go for kiba once Naruto and Semiramis become lovers.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 25 . 7/25/2024
Ah, what a refreshing chapter...and quite wholesome and lovely too. Reading Semiramis blush was really quite nice, it just makes me smile tbh, especially when Naruto was the one who caused it! I really hope they get together sooner rather than later, cuz I can't wait for more semira and Naruto wholesome romantic moment ya know? Also, this has been on my mind since the end of vine village arc, but once Naruto die and Semiramis goes back to throne of heroes, Naruto would also go to the throne of heroes, right? Afterall, with the apparent dimension hopping, the old vampire interfering with history and Semiramis being in Naruto world would mean that Naruto world is connected to the throne of heroes now... which also means that even though Naruto life will end in the elemental nations, Naruto and Semiramis can still be together after this fic end...and I gotta say, that's also not a bad way of doing the sequels you we're saying that you would make...

As for the meeting Semiramis had with the war hawk, it really reminded me why I hated that war hawk in the first place.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 24 . 7/25/2024
That was interesting, although it's annoying that you keep including the hyuuga heiress even though she had little interaction with Naruto or even tsunade and and jiraiya for that matter...
And on another note that's much more pleasant than a stalking hyuuga, I suppose this means that Semiramis being placed into team7 will mean that Sai won't be able to be in team 7 anymore since technically, the 3 man cell is already completed with Semiramis joining.
As for who'll come out the victor, it's obvious it'll be Naruto.
And as to who'll fight Semiramis I think it'll be shizune, although I think I'll skip that in favour of seeing Semiramis try out ramen, cuz I ain't gonna lie, I rather see and read the wholesome moments that would happen with Semiramis and Naruto.
Anyways nice chapter, thanks for making it.

Oh and if your wondering why I'm irritated by the hyuuga heiress, it's because she's a stalker and the way she was supposed to be with Naruto is so forced and shit...afterall, it was already build up that Naruto like strong, stubborn, gutsy and confident woman.
The hyuuga heiress on the other hand is not even confident, but shy, she's also a stalker with an eye that can be like an x-ray vision...honestly, I don't know how people see that cute, because stalking is not cute!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 23 . 7/25/2024
Ok, this was an awesome chapter as always! But I do have one thing I wanna point out, the hyuuga heiress and Naruto really haven't interacted much save from the mission and the Chunin exam and no the childhood movie doesn't count.
So I really hope that she doesn't become too relevant since they have no interaction at all save for the time when she's stalking Naruto.
Anyways, as for Semiramis proving herself to others, we both know that if Naruto had any say in it it'd be like "she doesn't have to prove anything to anyone! She's with me, I care about her!" Kind of reaction.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 22 . 7/25/2024
I love the chapter, it was quite wholesome! Although, why did Naruto have to be so oh so dense? My only hope is for Naruto and Semiramis to finally be together ya know? Is that so much to ask for? Oh well, atleast the chapter is wholesome.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 21 . 7/25/2024
The chapter is amazing, so is the fight scene and the thing's that have gone on...but what bothered me was the grammar when deidera and sasori began their interaction, it was kinda off putting.

But other than that everything is good, now I'm just wondering if Naruto find out soon about his heritage from the nine tails or jiraiya himself.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 20 . 7/25/2024
Ok, that was wholesome! Also, awsome fight scenes as always! And while I would have described them, they just make me speechless ya know? Also, why does tsukino seem to be liking Naruto? Hm, well, it's not surprising since Naruto have that effect on women of high status.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 19 . 7/24/2024
Ah, yes, this is a wholesome and perfect chapter.
Although, it is kind of saddening that you didn't write Semiramis reaction to naru making the sexy jutsu...that and I really am glad that some of Semiramis past was revealed, it just makes her more special.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 18 . 7/24/2024
Awesome chapter! What really immersed me in this chapter was Semiramis battle! It was quite perfect to be honest.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 17 . 7/24/2024
Tbh, I do like the chapter and the much deserved interaction between semi and naru alone...but if only there was more of a romance to it, oh well...
As for the action, well, the fighting scenes are detailed as ever, now if only the girl hd actually gone and did what she was thinking to Naruto, now that would be even more amusing and it would also add to the drama.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 16 . 7/24/2024
Ok now that was a whirlwind of fvents in a single chapter...although, when you said that there'll be a time skip, I didn't think it'd only be three months...
Anyways, although the interactions between semi and naru are limited in this chapter, I enjoyed the little wholesomeness that did happen each time they did interact!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 15 . 7/24/2024
Ok, now that was a very good and detailed fighting scene...though I'm wondering, why is it that han has yet to call Naruto out for being the yellow flash son? If he atleast let it slip, then that would be great drama.
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