Reviews for Arcs of the Multiverse
blaiseingfire chapter 179 . 20h
Here's hoping you do the other episodes of HTP. Episode 5 got released just this week too.
Guest chapter 176 . 2/12
The sweat thing isn't even gross since what MAKES sweat gross is the bacteria that comes to eat it. Since it evaporates pretty damn fast, it's pretty much just steam. Though it HAS been in his body, which is kinda gross.
Guest chapter 171 . 2/11
Why did I know instantly that it was Willow? Like, as soon as I heard "sex life" I knew Qrow would speak of an encounter with Willow whether or not she was disguised.
Guest chapter 160 . 2/8
Just because dicks are real, it doesn't make you a realist by acting like one.
Guest chapter 160 . 2/8
To be fair, if your "hard work" is you killing your family to reach a goal which, in most cases, was only your goal out of greed, then you deserve to have your hard work stomped on.
Guest chapter 139 . 2/6
Why is Blake so worried about Adam's "danger" in the theatre? Don't tell me she truly believes that Adam can overpower what are essentially gods... That is top tier glaze bro.
Guest chapter 132 . 2/6
Nahhh, Raven wants to fight an old man? I see she's been taking notes from Jake Paul
Guest chapter 130 . 2/5
I don't get how "not using a weapon for years" makes the power system less impressive.

Like yeah, we get it Tai, you can fight without a weapon, whoopdee fuckin' doo. That's like saying "Since I can't destroy universes, the fight between Anti-Spiral and Gurren Lagann was far less impressive"
Guest chapter 185 . 2/5
King only mentioned nine of the ten wives. Who's the tenth?
Muuussstttaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrddd chapter 183 . 2/6
I need them to see the actual Rusted Knight reveal now!
Muuussstttaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrddd chapter 176 . 2/6
Bruh… Guy can use Ninjutsu. He literally summons a tortoise. He just doesn’t use it to fight in honor of showing Lee he doesn’t need anything but Taijutsu
darkeragez chapter 39 . 2/6
good chapter x39
darkeragez chapter 38 . 2/6
good chapter x38
darkeragez chapter 36 . 2/6
good chapter x36
Muuussstttaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrddd chapter 164 . 2/6
Peak is back
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