Reviews for Harry Potter, et al, and the Keystone Council
pinks99 chapter 59 . 12/3/2021
I'm glad to see an update! Even if you just pop in once a year, it's a fun story to pick back up. Cheers.
Fenwrig chapter 59 . 11/30/2021
Another great chapter, and very happy to see this story not be abandoned. This entire storyline has been a terrific blend of many of the popular "Harry Potters" story arcs. Your ability to weave them together and form even a somewhat cohesive plot is a pleasure to read. My only critiques are common and certainly unable for you to remedy. Write faster...and move the plot forward a bit quicker. Injury and real life certainly negate your speed of writing, and honestly I doubt it would be possible for you to write fast enough to appease the fans.

Keep up the fabulous work, good luck getting the time and inspiration to write more of this fantastic work.
Warrof chapter 59 . 12/2/2021
I really like this story. It is both Unique, and Very Familiar. Sorry to hear about your hand injury.

Looking forward to future chapters!
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Well, things are definitely escalating. Glad to see this back. Kudos for managing so many different storylines at once
ABZB13 chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
I'm really glad to hear that you're still kicking :)

saxcuL. the all-knowing chapter 13 . 12/1/2021
oh, he is differently the master of death.
saxcuL. the all-knowing chapter 1 . 12/1/2021
originally found this on Ao3, and it is, possibly, the most unique harry potter fanfic I've come across.

brilliant idea.
Knight8 chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Good to see you back and i am looking foward to see Rose give Seeker the "shovel talk"
mwinter1 chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Awaiting more
NauticalLion chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
3 Glad to see this story is back. The sheer concept of it is what drew me in in the first place and its just been a really fun ride and I love seeing the little differences between each world and how the Harrys respond to them.

Life's been nuts, so take care of yourself, and I anticipate whatever comes next in the fic.

Fuckin' Malfoys.
Shygirlj chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Even though I know I’ve reread this at least once, it’s been long enough that I’m excited to reread again and have a new chapter at the end of it.

So glad you’re ok! And that you will keep writing!
polarbear20000 chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Thank you for continuing. I completely understand about physical issues affecting output - I suffer from that problem as well. As for the pause, well, no problem, I'll just reread everything alllllll over again! The important thing is that your health comes first.
dianaanne chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Wow. That was really a crazy amount of stuff happening.
alix33 chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Way to go, Rose.
I like the prospect of Marigold's Patronus chaarm lessons too.
Way to go, Seeker, at the prospect of your getting Wormtail to professor Lupin n a timeous manner and without his turning into his human form and escaping.
This newly discovered eavesdropping function between teh five is a totally nifty thing, though.
BeBraveBeLion chapter 59 . 12/1/2021
Welcome back glad to see this story updated again.
I hope your hand continues to heal and am sorry it's still troubling you.
I'll definitely NOT be joining the refund que as I value quality chapters over any type of regular updating shedual.
I like how the chapter started off all fun and then took a nose dive into mortal peril teritory. It woulld be cool if Marigold or the other Potters together managed to longdistance heal their brother somehow.
I do wonder how this will translate into the other universes.
Anyway enough of my ramblings, stay healthy and safe and kind regards
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