Reviews for Harry Potter, et al, and the Keystone Council
Village-Mystic chapter 32 . 11/12/2021
Even though I believe in some stories where Ginny is a villain in later life, this Ginny is the on that I always feel sorry for. If the compulsion on the Gaunt Ring was so strong that it got Dumbledore, you can't blame Ginny for writing in the diary.
Village-Mystic chapter 31 . 11/12/2021
Good drama and alternate character beats.
Village-Mystic chapter 29 . 11/12/2021
Continuing to enjoy very much. Thanks for your efforts and crafting!
Village-Mystic chapter 26 . 11/11/2021
Good drama and balance with the characters to follow.
Village-Mystic chapter 22 . 11/11/2021
Having a door that you can lock, and knowing you live in a magic house and can do your homework or try something you read about is a big plus. And food. It really can be seen as too little too late, or a partial good thing. I like that you can explore different reactions to this.
Village-Mystic chapter 18 . 11/11/2021
The plural clue seems to be for us readers and the multiple Harrys instead of Ragnorok.
Village-Mystic chapter 17 . 11/11/2021
Ah, okay. People are guessing about Joseph Hillyer who had many generations of squibs in his family tree before becoming a "full magical" again? Guesses then are disowned squibs from UK and European houses mixing back together. He's probably got two or three house names we've heard before back in his family tree. Well, and also the author's avatar.
Village-Mystic chapter 16 . 11/11/2021
I think you're fine without a Hufflepuff Harry for this one as you have the Bones family to represent Hufflepuff.
Village-Mystic chapter 14 . 11/11/2021
Good chapter and thanks for your author's note.
Village-Mystic chapter 12 . 11/11/2021
Good challenge, that their link may be observed. Perhaps Potter magic allowing the Regent to listen in?
Village-Mystic chapter 11 . 11/11/2021
Good drama and follow-up. I like how Harry S is also getting helpful information for the others.
Village-Mystic chapter 10 . 11/11/2021
So unless the person who sent the cloaks also talks to inter-dimensional people, a likely sender of the coats would be Remus Lupin who was suspected and may not have confidence in himself to be around.
Village-Mystic chapter 8 . 11/10/2021
Good switching. Including the mystery of how Rose found out about family distillery already to be able to give her gifts.
Village-Mystic chapter 7 . 11/10/2021
Curious and interesting plot and character problems.
Village-Mystic chapter 5 . 11/10/2021
Good reveals.
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