Reviews for Harry Potter, et al, and the Keystone Council
LtKettch chapter 15 . 7/16/2022
Well, that’s Dumbledore rumbled. I hope we get to hear some of Filus and Dumbles’ “talk”. Even better would be when Ragnok gets ahold of him.
Thanks for another great chapter.
LtKettch chapter 14 . 7/16/2022
Really enjoying this story. It was harder to keep straight at first, so thank you for the nicknames - Chaser, Seeker, etc. The breaks and names help keep it clear which Harry is prominent at the moment.
I really like the mysterious Hillyar. And, am constantly trying to figure out how the council is impacting events backwards I. Time and across universes.
Great job with Chaser’s dive inn. And yes, I was picturing Judi Dench as soon as you described Ariana.
Well, I must return to reading now. Thanks for sharing this.
Vercalos chapter 59 . 7/14/2022
Well, it has been almost a year. I hope to see another chapter before November, I guess.
AtramNoctem chapter 3 . 7/6/2022
I don't know why this is marked as humor. It's the least funny thing I've ever read, and extremely boring to boot. Like it was written by a robot.
Guest chapter 59 . 6/26/2022
What a shame that you don't seem to be working on this story anymore. It was really enjoyable.
Guest chapter 29 . 6/25/2022
** Special thanks to the nice woman in Seat 11B, who consented to beta this

She seems to be doing a good job. I've yet to find any misspelling or misused words in this story.
DarkRavie chapter 59 . 6/26/2022
I really like this story. It's and excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 59 . 6/19/2022
It has been a while since this has been updated. If I missed, you writing that I apologize. Life does happen, so write when or if you can.
deathbomb99 chapter 24 . 6/4/2022
great story so far, I'm just wondering how many people pronounced euchre properly. I also know that there is no way to find out.
willam and jack and jake chapter 59 . 5/25/2022
interesting can't wait to read more
willam and jack and jake chapter 58 . 5/25/2022
nice very nice
willam and jack and jake chapter 57 . 5/25/2022
nice love it
willam and jack and jake chapter 56 . 5/25/2022
interesting well done
willam and jack and jake chapter 55 . 5/25/2022
very well done
willam and jack and jake chapter 54 . 5/25/2022
nice very well done
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