Reviews for Heaven's Eye
Marcoeldepresivo chapter 22 . 12/6/2021
please continue, this is really good
Azarios chapter 22 . 11/25/2021
Just saying man, usage of the Rinnegan doesn't cost any chakra...
Walkmanapprenticewordsmith chapter 22 . 11/24/2021
great story so far, really enjoyed it
Walkmanapprenticewordsmith chapter 18 . 11/23/2021
I fucking love this talks how he's on. fuckinf eh author-kun. I fucking agree. these stupid fanfics out there
Walkmanapprenticewordsmith chapter 12 . 11/23/2021
I can't remember, not sure if they said it, but did he get more tomeos in his 3ye after USJ?
Walkmanapprenticewordsmith chapter 8 . 11/22/2021
Walkmanapprenticewordsmith chapter 5 . 11/22/2021
hahahaha 10 page essay on masochism graded by midnight lmao
ER-47 chapter 22 . 11/15/2021
EvilDarkDemonLord chapter 22 . 11/6/2021
No offence, but you are a lazy ass... bro its been like... Nine months and no updates? Seriously Bruh. You need to update this fic fast its one of my favorite mha stories so please update...
Luciendar chapter 22 . 10/22/2021
This was the last straw. This story had been both good and bad at times, but I have to say it overall is not for me. It's too obvious at times and was way too cannon for me. Some of the fight scenes were decent, but you ruined chidori. Why call it that without the bird chirping sounds? You should've called it raikiri.

The character interactions often felt forced or entirely fake. You ended the story in the worst way. Overpowered villains, nerfed heroes, and hey... why not give the only unique thing about this story to another villain. Like it wasn't bad enough that Izuku didn't develop the quirk earlier on.
Luciendar chapter 9 . 10/22/2021
Did you consider, with all the reporters in front of the school, that Eri would probably end up on camera?
Luciendar chapter 3 . 10/22/2021
Really? Does this story just dry hump cannon the whole way? Yeah, a couple of your ideas were decent, but dear God. Change some shit up every once in a while. Who cares about minor changes when then end results are the same?
Luciendar chapter 1 . 10/22/2021
Instantly somewhat put off. I was kind of hoping he wouldn't get OFA to be honest. But, what really sucks is the whole, "didn't get his quirk till the sludge villain" trope. I don't see the enjoyment of writing such a whiney character. Having him dance around Bakugo as children as the irate blond tried and failed to blow him up would've been fun to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2021
I don’t like it he’s to much of a pussy in this one
taiwoeretan1 chapter 1 . 9/14/2021
Wow a story where izuku has the sharingan, will he get mangekouy.
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