Reviews for Fate: Hero and Sword
TheExpendable Joe chapter 54 . 8/13
Have you heard of Shirou's new ability?
Lashamore chapter 54 . 8/10
I wish this story had a bit more excitement. It feels like we don't see a lot of Shirou anymore. I'm kind of disappointed.
Guest chapter 54 . 8/9
Must admit this is the only one of your updating stories I don't like you tend to drag out the laters chapters of all your stories but this on just sucks at least to me there's nothing wrong with the writing or anything it's just the material out together is displeasing
Guest chapter 54 . 8/7
ShinySpiritomb chapter 54 . 8/7
So is Scathach gonna tell Shirou about Nabe and Pandora/Momon being in kahoots with Ainz? Seems like something he needs to know so he stops hanging around Darkness.
Guest chapter 54 . 8/7
Why is so much of this story about Jircniv? Nobody gives a fuck about him. Your 54 chapters in and shirou has essentially done nothing, in fact he's barely been in the story.
Sargon Dorsai chapter 54 . 8/5
Thank you for the chapter. Looking forward to the next and seeing the fallout for everything.
ssj3gohan007 chapter 54 . 8/5
Another brilliant installment! Great job! Well done! I love it! I am dying to know what happens next! :D chapter 54 . 8/5
Ainz no lo sabe, Pero ha provocado que la humanidad se una para destruirlo y como tal, La era de Héroes ha regresado en su mejor momento.
Uttu chapter 54 . 8/4
Seeing how Ainz's world is a super-futuristic hellhole, does that change anything regarding Shirou's past?
evilstatistic19 chapter 54 . 8/4
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
Crash 0537 chapter 54 . 8/4


Even ainz can't do anything against roma
keybladelight chapter 54 . 8/4
Well barahuth empire won the fight abs their morales so I wonder now with thr aftermath they gonna act with Nero thinking that she a past emperor or Jircniv ancestor so can wait to see Nero wake up and get the affection of the barabuth empire.

Renner looking for shirou well hope he's now going back to camelot so that Artoria appear in re-ztis kingdom for negotiations and artoria show that shirou it's his lover.

Can wait to see the aftermath snd Cu Chulainn return to shirou's side.
Darth Kyuubi kurama chapter 54 . 8/4
Great chapter
superpierce chapter 54 . 8/4
Good chapter glad Cu is back and alive.
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