Reviews for The Pinnacle of Evolution
Lot1t chapter 2 . 10/23/2024
The hero is an imbecile, he can't do anything but useless screams, what the fuck is it written at all?
PedantPeasant chapter 1 . 10/1/2024
Why doesn't The Capybara just make a genetic marketplace where individuals can make their own decisions on which CRISPR modifications they believe will best improve their evolutionary fitness while preserving their essential identity? Depressed entities may resort to riskier syntheses, becoming nicknamed "research and development martyrs". High-dimensional annotations of interactions with other genomes could be used to predict novel outcomes.
Abrax3s chapter 34 . 8/19/2024
cant help but hate the quarians cuz of this chapter, they act like they are the victims when they shot first, they wanna go back to rannoch but dont wanna compromise, they are honestly such a retarded race, its a miracle any still live
Makarainen chapter 51 . 5/22/2024
Ah, yes, good old Tuchunka. Not to be confused with Techunka. Or Tatonka. Or Da Chonker. Or d-1,2,4-tris-peroxytetryl-[1,1]-di-pyro-bovrocoprolepsine. Not Tuchanka, though, that's a brand of ant poison that was banned in the 60s in all countries but Luxembourg where it is still used as flavor enhancer of post stamp glue for letters destined for Florida, USA.
And how could we forget Palavan, home of the turbans, a race of subterranean slugs the size of a human toothbrush who communicate by changing the flavor of the dirt through which they burrow in the eternally frozen helium swamps on the high-gravity inside of their hollow planet. Not to be confused with Palaven, a planet in the Mass Effect universe. Easily confused, especially when your head sticks up your own ass so deep you can't even bother to spend five seconds to look up canon-established terminology.
Makarainen chapter 49 . 5/22/2024
Not sure what word you _thought_ you were using when you said "nonchalantly", but I guarantee you that "nonchalantly" was not that word.
Makarainen chapter 40 . 5/21/2024
Karin. Not Karen. Karin. Just like the game. You know Mass Effect? That game you supposedly love so much? Yes, Karin is a character there. Her name is Karin. The name Karin is spelt Karin. These letters, in this order.
Makarainen chapter 39 . 5/21/2024
"He correctly named the Alari" – … well, at least if the Alarei was in fact spelt "Alari". But I guess if we can't spell Kaidan, Ashley, or Ilos right, what's one more name to not give a damn about, right?
"defiantly" – Dude, where did you learn English? YouTube comment sections?
"unexceptionably" – What dictionary did you find this in? Or at least would have found it in if you were in the habit of using a dictionary? Or have we now progressed from arbitrarily redefining the meaning of words to completely making up new ones?
Makarainen chapter 38 . 5/21/2024
"Peeked" is not "peaked" is not "piqued". Learn the difference, you tool! Also, Geth bosh'tet this, Geth bosh'tet that … how about a nice cup of "Get your unimaginative ass in gear and grant Tali some character development"? Seriously, dozens of chapters in and it's still the same rabid, blinkered fanaticism and obstinate refusal to even consider some enlightenment despite being practically drowned in evidence at evey opportunity and between. As it stands, her character is about as shallow as a volus' breath, and for dramaturgical reasons but because the author can't get his thumb out of his ass.
Makarainen chapter 37 . 5/21/2024
Wow. Three instances of "steeling", and all three instances you manage to get wrong as "stealing". Also, "imbedded" instead of "embedded". What a clown.
Makarainen chapter 35 . 5/21/2024
"Eminent" is not "imminent" and "innocent" is not "incident". Perhaps you should stick to shorter, simpler words.
Makarainen chapter 33 . 5/20/2024
"Rouge" splinter group? So, a reddish one? Try actually knowing the spelling of the fancy words you're slinging about. Makes you not look so much like a pretentious fop who uses words more for vanity than actual eloquence.
Makarainen chapter 32 . 5/20/2024
"Ashely", twice this chapter alone, makes how many times now in your fanfic? Seriously, does Word or Writer or whatever not have a spellchecker in your universe? One can only hope such obstinate aversion to basic assistive functions of modern communication electronics and embarrassingly ubiquitously available end-user software that readily produces squiggly red lines is not hereditary. I dread to worry about humanity's continued prosperity if your blinding incompetence were in any way indicative of your generation, societal stratum, or otherwise statistically significant demographic …
Makarainen chapter 34 . 5/20/2024
And for the love of sanity, is it too much to ask to learn the fucking difference (or regular difference) between hangar and hanger? One is where _vehicles_ go, one is where _clothes_ go. Just as there is a difference between lie and lay. One is _being in_ a state of horizontal rest, one is _transitioning into_ that state. Seriously, Just because your education was garbage doesn't mean the rest of humanity must suffer for it. At least get a proofreader and editor to plug the holes in the curriculum you ought to have received as early as primary school. One would think there's a limit to the amount of embarrassment with what one would allow to have themselves associated …
Makarainen chapter 31 . 5/20/2024
That is not what the word "indefinitely" means. At all. The word you're looking for is "definitely". And no, they're not even polar opposites in meaning. With all the avatars running around this story, it's a shame we don't get an Avatar of Dictionaries to let the author know what a colossally ignorant idiot he could have avoided to look like if he just spent five goddamn seconds googling a word!
Makarainen chapter 20 . 5/19/2024
Learn to use the vocative comma. "We did good guys" and "we did good, guys" don't mean the same thing, and no, it's not the responsibility of context to take up the slack of your negligence or laziness.
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