Reviews for The Pinnacle of Evolution
Tom712 chapter 46 . 9/14/2020
Blaze1992 chapter 46 . 9/13/2020
So I have a feeling a lot of mistakes will be made under the influence here.

Though why is shepard not handing that traitor over the CC forces?
Blaze1992 chapter 45 . 9/13/2020
Hell f**king yes another bad part of ME was flipped on it's head and burned to ashes, granted I am not holding my breath about the SA/CC letting this news get out or at least the part about the reapers.

My guess is they will focus solely on the collectors and bury any mention of the squids, to the point of making some people disappear if they don't shut up.
Pteaset chapter 2 . 9/12/2020
With the probable mass affect remastered coming out I’m going back and reading some of my favorite fanfiction’s
Eu sou um fa chapter 46 . 9/11/2020
InfectedElite chapter 45 . 9/2/2020
Ah man, finally getting around to reading this update was an idea gifted to me by the spirits. It’s been a while since I’ve read this, and I’m happy to see that it’s still slapping just as hard. The way you’ve evolved and fleshed out your characters and story and made them stand out and play off of other characters as smoothly as Jordan and the others do is an impressive feat indeed. I can’t wait to see how you continue to pen the story and how the gang ends up.

Also, if you ever do decide to cancel the story and post the outline, there’s no reason you can’t come back and finish it as the motivation finds you with no more pressure. This is all you enjoying your damn self in your free time and you don’t owe anybody chapters that you don’t wanna write. The fact that you’d give everyone the closure of knowing how it ends if you did stop working on this is incredibly considerate and I can certainly say that you are not only an incredibly talented writer, but you are also a nice person. We stan an icon of the community.
Glrasshopper chapter 1 . 9/1/2020
I love the prologue, let's see what the rest is like.

As a side note, I wonder if Bioware actually put a SI into canon? If it weren't for the fact that Conrad Verner has a frigging PHD (surprised the hell out of me!) then he could easily be a player SI trying to tag along with Shepards crew. Can you imagine though, waking up in the ME 'verse only to learn you are stuck in Conrad's body!
leon.richardsen chapter 45 . 8/30/2020
Wow that was a good chapter. I liked that at least in this case everything goes as planned or nearly as Planned. Not always does it need pushed Drama or Death. I'm looking forward to more of the my opinion best Mass Effect Fanfic I ever read :)
RedSigma chapter 45 . 8/30/2020
Well done!
Tom712 chapter 45 . 8/30/2020
jmeson75 chapter 45 . 8/29/2020
A nice addition of Fehl Prime. Thank you for the AN. Hope that your writing brings you joy again and I'll patiently wait for when that day comes. Take care.
fernandez0110 chapter 45 . 8/29/2020
Goddamnit this bloody update gave me the motivation to do my English study
Eu sou um fa chapter 45 . 8/29/2020
each time you upload to this story, it brightens my day
jmeson75 chapter 44 . 8/21/2020
I am thoroughly enjoying your story of Jordan and crew! Such a brilliant twist of events! Love that you've given us a new perspective on Tela Vasir too. Always thought she should have had a bigger room in ME. Anyway, PoE has definitely become one of my favorite stories! Looking forward to what comes next!
DragonTetho chapter 39 . 7/5/2020
Ah, the MC's idiocy at it's finest. Now, it's rearing its head off and came to bite his ass.
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