Reviews for The Pinnacle of Evolution
Guest chapter 1 . 10/3/2021
Fucking disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting
Guest chapter 2 . 10/3/2021
Fucking disgusting
Guest chapter 3 . 10/3/2021
Waka Metalbelly chapter 12 . 9/1/2021
I promised myself that I would give anything that caught my attention a fair shake. Stories like this make me regret that promise. So yea. This is me done.

And no, I don't really care if the plot gets "better". Better is subjective. Better for me would be an author writing a MC that's at least semi-compatant and capable of using basic logic. Not some window licking simpering loser with a Leroy Jenkins fetish. Yikes.
Waka Metalbelly chapter 11 . 9/1/2021
God damn did you fuck this story. Are you *trying* to write an incompetent loser? Cause that's what I'm reading...
Waka Metalbelly chapter 10 . 9/1/2021
My big problem? As with almost any SI I seem to read about, they go one of two directions. A spinless/ and or retarded loser who piss themselves at the first sign of things going wrong. (that's your guy btw) Or an unmitigated asshole who's the edgiest edgelord that ever edged the edge.

It's so rare to find a competent SI that while not being a gary/mary sue, is still able to act like a normal person. Ya know, with logic. Witch apparently you didn't give your MC. Cause that "idea" for meeting Shep? That shit was window licking stupid. This was very likely the absolute worst way you could have made this meeting go. And I really hope that was on purpose.

If it wasn't? I'm really hoping your not gonna make this dude one of those mewling simpering losers that "sob for forgiveness" or some such stupidity.
Anon chapter 11 . 5/30/2021
Okay here again... and I can honestly say I hate this fic. This is where I stop. Mainly due to my own feelings on ways of self inserts should work. One multi inserts are always terrible. Two the pacing is off. Three while understandable in some ways your MC is a WHINY LITTLE BABY. Honestly I have never seen a more pathetic main character. Hell I get character progression and all but you could have started with a character with half a SPINE.
Anon chapter 8 . 5/30/2021
Hi yeah... I am sorry to say this under the shield of a fake name but your OC is a whiny little child. Like he is seriously a wuss... sure a Krogan can be scary and yes he reacts like most CASUAL mass effect players would to the world... but to a hardcore mass effect fan... he is a wuss who stutters too much and acts like everything that happens to him is the “worst possible thing!”
Rick O'Shay25 chapter 44 . 5/24/2021
I am so happy that Tela is not dead.

It is too bad that this is rated T rather than M.
AlphaRidley chapter 54 . 5/23/2021
Are we going to get a Miranda Cynthia relationship because that would be pretty fucking sick.
AlphaRidley chapter 50 . 5/23/2021
We finally get a kiss let's fucking go.
loki98065 chapter 17 . 3/14/2021
I know you've probably already done it but I vote for maranda for LI. great story so far
Edgeoftoday chapter 54 . 3/13/2021
So... Tela is one of those type of girls. Am I the only one that hears her going "BAKA!" in a ridiculously girlish voice whenever she blushes? And the clone... Smith is getting it on with Shepard's just-barely-a-few-moths-old clone... Well, to quote an old song: "SHE'S A FREAK! SHE'S A SUPER FREAK! SHE'S SUPER FREAKY!"
Edgeoftoday chapter 52 . 3/12/2021
Just a small pointer: unless you're referencing someone else, it's Patriarch not Primarch.
Edgeoftoday chapter 51 . 3/12/2021
Finally, an author that doesn't crack under the pressure of a couple jackasses throwing insults around like candy! Congratulations, my friend: you've just shot up considerably in my personal opinion! Too many authors can't or don't know how to handle the heat, and stop writing altogether because of it. Good to see you're not one of them.
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