Reviews for All According to Plan
Tea Earl Greatest chapter 2 . 8/13
“we're more selfish and more controlling, less predictable and sociable“ - these are bad traits. They result in oppression, inequality, and violence, when a society adopts them.
maiqsmail chapter 34 . 7/19
I like the story and the characters but not a fan of extraneous wording and padding.
A line in a dialogue, then 3 pages of inner thoughts and background, then next line in dialogue...
Regarding the attack on Lyra. At first I wanted to ask for blood and biblical retribution because "black mage", but after seeing how everything unfolded and the attack neatly fell into HP murder scheme, I'm starting to think maybe she shouldn't murder all of them gruesomely. Still, if she just lets it slide and virtually thanks them for covering her up, I'll riot!
I also like how Hermione's character developed here.
maiqsmail chapter 30 . 7/19
Going through this story sometimes feels like nibbling on a brick. I did not need whole pages of backstory on Dark powers that Lyra thought about while talking to Hermione. Does TMI mean anything to anyone here?
maiqsmail chapter 21 . 7/9
Also, I really like how neatly you resolved the representation of Dumbdumb. He has *three* full time jobs, so it makes hell of a lot sense for regular school children to see him from afar only few times at Feasts and that's it (unless they get hospitalised after blowing up in an illegal magic experimentation). Some Dumbles bashing fanfics have him spending *all* meals every days in Great Hall, conduct regular staff meetings - and at the same time they want me, the reader, to believe he also attends all Wizengamots meetings *and* attends ICW meetings in foreign country? *And* have regular Order of fiery chicken meetings once the war picks up? Pah-lease. There would be some serious time turner usage to make it at least remotely feasible.
maiqsmail chapter 22 . 7/9
Nice story, but the way it develops is completely bloated. I know teenaged ramblings could be condensed, I've read stories that had them and it wasn't a slog to get through them, even angst/drama, emotionally heavy edgy fanfics could be read at decent pace. We really don't need 20 pages of Hermione POV feelings when 2 could do the same trick without having me to fast scroll through that just to advance the story. Seriously.
jmcninch316 chapter 34 . 5/16
Enjoyable story. a bit wordy, so if I zoned out at work, I didn't really have to go back in the story to catch up again, but that's probably not the best thing haha

if there is an update to the story, I will be checking in. Lyra is an interesting character.
Kirk Almeida chapter 12 . 4/19
in canon Hermione is pretty much the only person with the normal amount of curiosity about magic and it's criminal how much it's ignored
Molenir chapter 3 . 3/16
Not really a fan of the gay stuff, so am going to bow out here. Thanks for sharing though. Solid writing. If the slash stuff didn't squick me out, I'd definitely be all in.
nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj chapter 2 . 10/26/2023
I like how the God Of Chaos is being kind to a human.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/5/2023
Good plot and good expansion. Only your excessive and completely unseemly use of F.. word spoils the story like stones in a delicious pie. If you think it makes the story badas .. you are completely mistaken. It is plain ridiculous. A scion of ancient and noble family from 1960s with all the stiff decorum using such guttersnipe language.
Seriously is your vocabulary so poor?
Flametusk chapter 24 . 6/15/2023
You know what? Even if there are some... less than pleasant things referenced, this story is just... fun. This is very fun.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 31 . 6/8/2023
I have enjoyed rereading this fic. Thank you for writing.
Alpenwolf chapter 34 . 1/8/2023
Sometimes it's just nice to see Albus understand what kind of dumb things he did and that he is not infallible.

Lyra changing the status quo, just for a bit of chaos, is just amusing to read. I cant not love her.
moaning-myrtl3 chapter 3 . 12/5/2022
I don’t understand why you fully spell out 1963 instead of putting it in numbers. There’s really no need to spell it out if you’re dictating a year unless the context was Bella telling Blaise to write something down… yeah, I just don’t get why all the years are spelled out. That’s weird, dude.
kreintoray chapter 1 . 9/29/2022
Mr. Orange from Reservoir Dogs will speak for me. "Joe, I don't have the slightest fucking idea what you're talking about"
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