Reviews for Skiajati
Phantom of Kings chapter 20 . 10/10/2021
I'm looking forward to the next update
Highcat chapter 3 . 9/24/2021
why would mirio even be in mustafu(unless he lives there in canon) I'm pretty sure he could find other areas filled with trash
LightTrain chapter 13 . 8/25/2021
‘Introduction to the snow’, I didn’t expect to find someone else who knew of this band or their songs, nice to find someone with good taste
Gary123 chapter 20 . 8/13/2021
Amazing story. But just a question; since Izuku was exposed to the void, does that mean he won't age or age slower?
Axza95 chapter 20 . 8/5/2021
God, I’m loving this story
Korst chapter 6 . 7/25/2021
Ochiko was MVP? Nah, nah, nah, that doesn't fly. Midoriya and Co 9whatever teh engine guys name is) formulated a cunning plan which exploited their opponents weaknesses and divide their team. Ochiko ABANDONED her teammate the moment they voiced their desire to pursue a secondary goal, she didn't even try to pursue him or convince him otherwise, she just dropped him as readily as he dropped her.

If anything Engine guy should've been MVP. He pulled off his part of the flawlessly and remained in position to protect the objective. The guy did everything right and excelled in his role. Why you gotta do him wrong like this and say the waifu did good when she really didn't?
Notsae chapter 12 . 7/19/2021
Interesting change, and extremely large despite your claims. This change takes the onus off of Wally and even makes the Grineer go from hated enemies to erstwhile allies. In this version, Wally was mostly neutral but actually wound up helping more than he harmed while the Grineer went from cruel butchers to allies of circumstance. Very interesting, does this represent a serious change in motivations like it should? Now Onkko has little reason to hate the Grineer or The Man In The Wall as neither of them did him much wrong and both helped him significantly, radically changing his motivations and fears.
tyfang360 chapter 20 . 7/18/2021
Well I was about to ask this question, but it seems you already answered this, but I do have another question.

I've taken quite a shine to this crossover story, so much so that I wish to use this as a means of my muse for another Warframe Crossover, though it will be for High School DXD.

My question is, are you mind me doing so. Don't worry, you will be given credit on this.
thedarkadventurer chapter 20 . 7/18/2021
Fabulinus chapter 18 . 7/18/2021
Glad this fic is alive and kicking. Love the retconned chapter 12, but I noticed that chapter 18 still needs a rework where Onnko tells Izuku about how he came here.
Nechroz chapter 20 . 7/18/2021
hey, don't worry pal. Good luck overseas!
SplitsShot chapter 20 . 7/18/2021
atleast you aren't dead
well I'll wait for that
AngelicWisdom chapter 20 . 7/18/2021
Ah man no worries. That was a hella lot they dropped on us so you gotta lot to unpack. I can’t wait to see how it’ll turn out though. “For our Brothers.” Rip Kahl.
svpatil20000 chapter 3 . 7/7/2021
Why the fuck does izuku reveal his powers to anyone ? Why Just why ? Are ya crazy ?
ZRAIARZ chapter 19 . 6/30/2021
Ultra instinct void nice. Also with his rejuvenation he can heal himself too once he gets better at it to keep going. This perfect instinct void he should learn how to keep it up constantly at least at lower levels.
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