Reviews for Rabbit |
theafic chapter 1 . 11/6/2019 Wow! I've read this story twice already and I have to say this is very well-written. I can totally imagine the characters acting this way. Though I am not usually a fan of the first point of view perspective, it works very well with this story. I'm looking forward to read more of this, and more of your stories. |
Aly's Gaming chapter 4 . 8/24/2019 Pls update, the suspense is killing me :D the character's personalities are on point, and ur writing is amazing. |
Aly's Gaming chapter 1 . 8/7/2019 Omfg, this was so sad :O I can't say I cry with a lot of fanfics I read but I can with this one. Pls, update soon :D p.s. I'm a hardcore Rocket and Groot fangirl so I've been reading this over and over for the past hour. |
Mara-DragonMaster chapter 3 . 5/29/2019 This better not be the end. I'm warning you. Keep going, or else! MDM |
TimeturnerJay chapter 3 . 5/28/2019 I love everything about this. Gods, those two are such a good team. I'm living for this. |
Laineenhele chapter 3 . 4/14/2019 Loving the Rocket and Thor bromance! Can't wait to see what they get up to on Sakaar. |
Old Goat chapter 3 . 2/24/2019 This is a great story and I think this is going to be better than MCU’s sequel. Of all the characters, Rocket is the only one who has lost everyone and everything! Even Thor has the remaining Avengers to help him cope with his losses. The raccoon’s total breakdown makes perfect sense because despite his many “rebuilds”, he is still closer to being a primal animal and we know that raccoons are not really loners. I love that you kept the characters true to their movie creations, both in their attitude and dialogue. |
Dark007arc chapter 2 . 1/5/2019 Baldr should totally show up and be useless. |
EmilliaGryphon962 chapter 2 . 10/21/2018 I adore your fic "Bit of Both" so you can't imagine my excitement when I saw you wrote another fic with Rocket in it and not just any fic. The post IW fic we all need. I LOVE how you write Rocket, his is 100% in character with equal measures of sarcasm, dark humor and heart. I can't wait to see where this goes. It is phenomenal. I loved how you weren't afraid to make it messy and raw but then at the end your able to have Rocket at least functioning enough to agree to Thor's idea. Really wonderful stuff, I laughed, I cried, I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter! |
Daniel.R chapter 2 . 9/28/2018 I couldn't stop reading, you achieved something big this time, at least for me. I read it twice now, that's say someting. I'm hooked on the way you put humour to someting this dark, you sticked to way the characters are, and the way avengers and gotg make me feel, and I'm very thankful for that. After all this time with a bit of both, this was a surprise, a good one. Keep them coming, now I need more! |
Apocalypse owner chapter 1 . 9/2/2018 This was Beautiful! Bravo! Encore! |
FanficFan920 chapter 1 . 8/25/2018 Wow. Just. Wow. I have been craving for something like this ever since I saw the movie. Just. I have no words. |
EmilliaGryphon962 chapter 1 . 8/25/2018 OOF. I am a huge fan of your writing, A Little Bit of Both is one of my fave fanfics of all time so I was super excited when I saw this. You are so gifted in your ability to truly capture the essence of Rocket. Of Rabbit. This fic is incredibly poignant, undulating between grief, fury and profound, messy perseverance. The repetitive flashbacks to Groot's (second) death made for a powerful backbone to this entire piece and you truly paint the different stages of the aftermath for Rocket both mentally, emotionally, physically and psychologically. As heartbroken as this fic was to read, I somehow realize I NEEDED it. It's also a fun fact that rabbit means dangerous in Irish Gaelic, I didn't know that! It is indeed fitting. Thank for you for gifting us with this astounding work. |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2018 Damn this is dark. I think everyone else would probably be in the same boat, as awesome as this fic is with just the two of them deciding to kill Thanos. If we're being honest here you know Tony Stark would be right behind them. |
Sinikettu chapter 1 . 8/3/2018 "Pirate Angel and sweet Rabbit walk into a villains lair..." I know there's a joke to be found here, I just first need to shovel out all this pain and angst heaped on top. |