Reviews for Suspended in Silence
geekymom chapter 5 . 1/9/2019
Wonderful chapter!
ToV chapter 5 . 1/9/2019
chapter six will lead to the prologe? Would make sense, mabe even a bit longer then chapter1. But i would not do a dursley torture chapter. Maybe she will try to finish it of after a few days of coldness. I can also imagine the dementors running wild without their target. Imagine the backlash on the MoM when there is only a selected area of casuslities without souls. Ok b2t i hope that whatever comes you may not use the vernon rape cliche. Cause that would not work with the vibe of the story
Nina05 chapter 4 . 12/27/2018
hope you update soon
I love this shape Harriet moments
Lady Rebell-K chapter 4 . 11/9/2018
Oh just wow! This is good! I very much hope you will continue this! I just love how you twisted the graveyard scene. It is so much better and more realistic than the ridicule farce of a torture scene that JKR invented. I am more of a Snarry shipper, so I kind of hope you will take Harriet and Snape’s relationship toward this end, but even so, it’s a really good beginning. You didn’t overdo it, so I will hold you to that concerning future chapters, and I don’t know how you will paint Harriet’s relationship with Ron and Hermione, but please, as an advice, don’t make Harriet spill her guts to them. She is an abused child, and she was just tortured and abused in the worst ways, so there is no way in hell she doesn’t feel ashamed and traumatized so she would never confide in anybody. Also, I don’t think she should go back to the Dursleys after that, even the Headmaster should know better, but maybe he will insist on the blood wards, so it could be logical that she returns. As for Sirius, yes, he is her godfather, but she don’t know him at all, and Sirius is quite unhinged and unstable after 13 years in Askanan, so he wouldn’t be the wisest person to be attributed her guardianship and also I don’t think she would want to share anything so humiliating with him, nor Remus, nor anybody from the order too!
YourFreakyGirlBoss chapter 4 . 9/30/2018
I am in shock, please continue this
HeartsGlow chapter 3 . 9/25/2018
When Voldie AK'd Harry, he should have felt the 'death' of his horcrux. Why didn't he?
Guest chapter 4 . 9/3/2018
Crouch is still at large, and unlikely to reveal himself now that Snape is hovering over Harry...oh what fun.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/3/2018
Loved it! That last little conversation was great. I’m curious to see if Snape will grow in to a guardian type role or a partner role. I love the angst and awkwardness between them.
geekymom chapter 4 . 9/3/2018
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/14/2018
What a surprise, and a good one. I love the intensity of your work and can’t wait for more of either story.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/11/2018
I’m guessing that takes care of the hocrux, but why did Voldie not also fall unconscious like in canon?
xCalavera chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
Will Harry and Cedric be found together? This is a great story so far. Can't wait to read more
naiariddle chapter 3 . 8/10/2018
Such sad but good story. Please let Snape fight for her
SuperPie1661 chapter 3 . 8/9/2018
It's getting more brutal by the next word and, though it is grotesque in places, it is very well written and appears as if you have a story direction in mind. I would personally love to see Harriet's thoughts (or lack thereof) and her interactions with the people around her. Snape's POV is good and it seems as if he has a different countenance than canon (which I applaud for he would definitely behave differently should Harry be a girl). I would warn against Dumbledore bashing because "bashing" per general is an easy way out of a realistic storyline and too many novice writers fall into that trap - I know there hasn't been bashing yet, but I felt as if it COULD be going that path.

As for advice, I just advise you follow your own conclusions and thoughts, and keep a constant vigilance on precise character development and "exciting" dialogue. Excellently dark so far...congrats.
SuperPie1661 chapter 2 . 8/6/2018
Fuck, this is dark... but very well written so far. I am very curious as to what path you will take with Harriet's development from here, whether or not you will have past flashbacks of her childhood experience, will she have the same friends/enemies as canon Harry, and etc... I see Snape being listed as a main character as well, which, in turn, churns many different variations of what will happen... I must say: I am excited for this story. It's a definite follow... but damn it's dark
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