Reviews for Danganronpa: The Cruise 'n' Kill Excursion |
Benji the Monocat chapter 7 . 8/23/2021 are you dead? |
Lupus Overkill chapter 7 . 10/20/2018 Although I read this chapter a while ago, I've only just gotten to starting my review on it, so let's get to exploring my thoughts here. This was one of the shorter chapters so far, but there was a lot of good character dynamics. Also, I forgot entirely about there being a sun deck; it'll definitely be an interesting addition to the setting. The description of the scene in the introduction is simple but nice; it's not too detailed, but it's enough to establish the scene. The seafood shack will be a good source of food for everyone (assuming people can access it), so that's good. I can't say much about that specifically, so let's focus further in the characters. Ryuk is interesting; I'm not a big fan of flirts, but he's not bad so far. He's clearly a daredevil and perhaps a bit of a large ham; he seems nice, but kind of thoughtless/reckless, especially with what happened with Ichika. He might be a bit arrogant with how he acted toward them even after being berated; I see a lot of comic relief or tension potential with him, more likely the prior, since there are better tension causers in the catch. He seems optimistic. I'll have to see how he meshes with the rest of the cast to really tell what he's like, but I see some potential here. You wrote Ichika well here. Her personality's coming through well and I like how her interactions with Tentai went; they're meshing well, which is quite nice and quite unusual for Tentai, given how most of her other interactions have went. I don't want to go into much detail on for fear of spoilers, but I liked the whole talk with Tentai, as well as that little coffee bit. I'll stop it there, just to avoid spoiling anything about her character. It's interesting that Ichika was the only person to mention the captain this chapter; has anyone else done that? The contents of the seafood shack and the surrounding area are interesting; the skewers and matchsticks seem like the most dangerous items. It looks well set up, between the picnic tables and the sand pit/surfboard area. Speaking of which, let's move away from Ichika and Ryuk and focus more on the latter two in the chapter, although they weren't paired up for interactions like Ichika and Ryuk were. Inno's scene was brief, but I feel like I got a feel for her character very quickly; she seems very timid and paranoid, although she might be moving towards self-improvement. I wonder about what her mask means to her. Is it something of a security blanket or something to hide her face? Her personality is clear, but I'm curious about how she got her Ultimate title. We didn't get much time with Mahito, so he's another mysterious one in terms of background, but his personality is pretty clear; he's very smart and seems to like teasing/messing with people's heads. He's kind of childish as well, but his design might be influencing that impression. He'll definitely cause a lot of tension in the cast, especially with what happened between him and Tentai here; I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble he causes the rest of the group. There was an interesting note about the spotlights: that switch is almost certainly going to be used at some point. Also, interesting that the conversation ends on the announcement that will very likely be the lead into Monokuma's appearance; I'll be looking forward to it! And with all of them introduced, I believe that's the entire cast! Everything seems to be coming together very well so far, and I look forward to seeing how the dynamics between all of the different cast members develop. I look forward to seeing what happens when they all meet up. |
Ziggymia123 chapter 7 . 10/15/2018 So late on my review but that's okay. Still here. This is the entire cast, right? Oh, that's exciting! It felt like we had more guys than girls, nice to see that I was right! Out of the ones introduced this time, Ryuk and Inno are probably my favorites. I do love flirtatious characters, and his talent is fair cool. You got a batch of unique ones, didn't you? And Inno is the exact opposite of what I'd imagine an anarchist would be, although she seemed more like your typical one once she put her mask one. I'll be curious to see that explored more in the future. Can't wait for the killing game to commence! |
JustRandomSlice chapter 7 . 10/14/2018 Oh. Now we have the whole cast of eery interesting people. Now thats talents here. Shark Hunter, I can already feel that Akahito and Ryuk will not go well, but! I have few ideas, so if you are interested, I can show you thru discord, if you want :) Anyway, Mahito looks quite funny, and Inno is like...really? Anarchist? Welp, can't wai to see more of her. And don't forget on Ichika, she's quite balanced, for me. Okey, now we have everyone, let's the game start! |
Trust Me the Spider chapter 7 . 10/12/2018 1. Ryuk Hoshigaki, Ultimate Shark Hunter Well now, that's a talent that's just brimming with manliness. I must confess, that the flirtatious, "charmer" types are typically my least favourite characters, but hey, I guess no cast is complete without one. To his credit, Ryuk seems like an okay person. He's incredibly laidback, I mean, he's barbequing seafood in the middle of all this! That's pretty damn bold, all things considered. He's got a flashy appearance to go with his flashy personality, and I'm sure he's got a lot of stories to tell considering his dramatic talent. Huh, I think he might get along surprisingly well with Ryozo Inaba, the Ultimate Storyteller. I don't have the highest opinion of him right now, but who knows? He might just turn out to be a real bro. At the very least, I hope Ryuk shows us the sort of backbone and reliability that can be expected of a shark hunter. 2. Ichika Sanjou, Ultimate Mangaka Wow, it's finally happened... Tentai has finally met someone who's on a similar "wavelength". Somebody break out the confetti and champagne! Is this the first time that Tentai has explicitly mentioned "liking" someone? Now that's quite the accomplishment! Once again, I like how Tentai immediately connects new information back to her background, as shown when she mentioned Ichika's works being available at her hospital. I'm not quite sure what to make of Ichika's displeased reaction to Tentai's observation... Romance is a sore topic for her, perhaps? Well, there's some history there we won't be immediately getting in to, but at the very least, we've discovered one more sane person on this ship. Finally, that little moment when Tentai and Ichika were in sync was great, and it seems like Ichika's the type to take things one step further than Tentai, lol. 3. Inno Meade, Ultimate Anarchist The Ultimate Anarchist? This is probably the most unusual talent on the ship, beating out even the Ultimate Vampire Hunter. And Inno's appearance is so... striking. There's a lot of clashing elements, such as her tribal tattoos and her paper fox mask, which implies an unusual upbringing/history. I can't quite tell if Inno just naturally stutters out everything she says, or if she's only like that because of her mistrust for Tentai and her talent. I'm interested in seeing how she interacts with the other students, because I feel like there's currently a barrier between her and Tentai, preventing us from seeing more of what she's truly like. There's this certain "instinctiveness" to her characterization, and I'd really like to hear about how she obtained her Ultimate title. As a final note, she'd probably be extremely upset if someone touches or damages her mask. 4. Mahito Ogawa A very intrusive, cheeky, and potentially problematic person. Mahito gives me the impression that he exploits his child-like qualities and mannerisms to catch people off-guard. Curiously, he feels like the "protagonist" of another story, as in, he's the type of character who we could feasibly experience the entire story through, and it wouldn't feel too "strange". I'm not exactly saying he's got "protagonist-like" qualities, this is just the impression I get... Combined with the way he's dressed, Mahito's a bit of a clown, huh? I don't know exactly what he's up to, but it seems like he's trying to solves the various mysteries as much as Tentai is, he just has his own methods, distinct from hers. Honestly, I find him a bit annoying lol, but I think that's how he's meant to be, so I respect it. 5. Closing thoughts And with that, we've introduced the entire student cast! Ladies and gentle, may we have a round of applause for our author? Seriously, great work, man! But I've got to wonder about the gender-split we have. Although it's not unheard of, it is quite rare for a DR story to have an uneven gender-split. Currently, I'm thinking that one of the boys is actually a girl in disguise. My initial instinct, says that it could be Shishi. After all, Shishi wears a gas mask that covers their entire face, and the gas mask would also serve to mask their voice. I'd think it'd be a pretty interesting twist as well, since Shishi's not the kind of person who comes across as being "feminine" in any way. Well, this is all just baseless speculation for now, lol. We might receive some more clues in the future, that, or it might just become apparent that we have an unequal-gender class, which is perfectly fine. Anyhow, it was great seeing you again; your updates are always worth the wait! It seems like next chapter, we'll finally have the entire class mingling together, which is always the most exciting part! Unfortunately for Raian, it seems like none of the students apart from Akahito wear glasses, if I'm remembering things correctly (I may be mistaken). Oh well, at least he'll have plenty of "blank canvases" to work with. Phew, I'm sort of glad that Raian's actually not the weirdest person on the ship, lol... or is he? And with that, I bid you all farewell! Take care everyone! |
TheRoseShadow21 chapter 7 . 10/12/2018 Yay! Tentai finally has someone she can get along with. All hail Ichika, who does seem a little more serious than you'd expect a mangaka to be but not in a bad way. It's quite a good thing actually, and I like her too. But then, of course, poor Tentai has more weirdness to deal with in the form of Ryuk and Mahito. Mahito is adorable though, lol. Anyway, great chapter, keep up the good work! |
The Outrageous Moose chapter 7 . 10/12/2018 Ryuk:NO THANKS. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ALL THE CHARACTERS WHO AREN'T PERVERTS! ESPECIALLY RYOTO, THE POOR KID NEEDS HIS INNOCENCE FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE! Though...certainly those scars must hurt a lot. Are all of them really from shark attacks? Ichika:I like her too. She understands that this situation isn't natural but at the very least gets the gist that we shouldn't be waisting time. That last statement made me feel worry for her though...Also, by captain do you mean Monokuma? Inno:Who hurt her? She's scared of the world for some reason...but why? Did someone hurt her? If so...who? Who hurt her? I will personally kill them. Mahito:"Hope you don't kill me!" She might not but someone might. You shouldn't jinx these kind of thinks man. Geez for a PI I thought you'd be smarter than this. Still better then most of the boys here though. Speaking of which...we seem to have an imbalance. Is one of the guys secretly a girl or did one of them have gender surgery before the school life began? Either way...16 students have been unveiled and with that the killing school life can start it's next game. |
SoulTea2000 chapter 7 . 10/11/2018 I just sent an OC but then realised the slots are all full. Whoops. Anyway, good luck with this story and I look forward to the killing game |
Prince PokePersona chapter 7 . 10/11/2018 Hey there, nice chapter, and it seems we get to see more OC, great job X3. I really do like Ryuk, his very fisherman like get up is cool as well as his very flirty personality, I can tell he's going to be so much fun, I do find him very charming and quite full of himself. Ichika is very polite and is trying to brush off Ryuk's advances, Tentai is like, this is my girl XD. Not much to say about her, but looking forward to seeing what she's like. Inno is very paranoid and skeptical of others and having Anarchist as a talent is very interesting to see, I wonder what it entails exactly. I do like her tribal get up as well, very cool. Mahito is very persistent, as is every PI type OC, maybe a bit too nosy, but who knows. He seems quite fun so far. I suspect we have a few more females to introduce, considering the list is a bit uneven at the moment, I wonder who else we'll get to meet on this ship, can't wait Paws. Have a nice day and great chapter! |
Lupus Overkill chapter 6 . 10/1/2018 Okay, time to review another chapter! It's interesting that you've gone from introducing three people per chapter to four people per chapter; it still works pretty well for the story, I don't want to delay too long, so let's get right into my thoughts on the various characters and situations from this chapter. So we start with Tentai exploring the passenger cabins; it all seems like a typical setup, although it is interesting that Tentai alone remembers Monokuma. That'll probably be an important detail later. Samaru's definitely one of the more eccentric characters in the cast, just by his talent alone; he very much puts on this heroic persona, it looks like. I'd say he seems like a nice person, but there's a grandiosity about him. Shishi definitely gives off a cold, arrogant, and distrusting feel; he's definitely a loner. I don't like much as a person, but he'll be another person good for providing tension within the group. We didn't see much of him here, but there's a lot of tension given how he looks and behaves; not many people are going to trust him, nor is he going to trust many of the others. It's funny that Tentai didn't really take note of the cameras and monitors until now; I'd figured she'd noticed them already. More importantly, the observatory lounge has a lot of interesting things. Like Tentai mentioned, someone could easily fall out a window. Furthermore. the exercise equipment could be used as weapons, in theory, although they aren't my top suspects at the moment. All in all, another interesting room with items that could cause trouble. Ryozo's very friendly and theatrical, but he feels more genuine than some of our other theatrical characters, such as Kameyo. He's not hiding anything; he just enjoys telling stories and making a show of it. We didn't get to see much of him here, but he seems kind, especially with how he warned Tentai of potential troubles she was going to have with Furusawa. Speaking of which... Furusawa is another potential source of conflict; he's definitely the hostile type, although he doesn't feel as arrogant as some of the other people we've met. He still seems very dismissive of others, though; a lot of our conflict causers in the cast are like that so far. Hopefully we'll see more about how all these different people contrast with each other in the future. So overall, I enjoyed this chapter. I can't help but wonder where the last introductions will take place. |
Lupus Overkill chapter 5 . 10/1/2018 Time for me to review another chapter of Cruise 'n' Kill! We've got some more eccentric cast members this time and some new areas of the ship to explore, so I want to get right into it. All of the characters we've met so far feel distinguishable from one another. I'm enjoying most of them so far. Tentai's moment with the fish at the beginning is definitely one of her softer moments; she can get very thoughtful at times. Not sure what to make of the aquarium yet, although someone could drown here. I'm not expecting it at the moment, though. More importantly, Tentai meets the first person of this section. Haruki, the Ultimate Vet, is an interesting case, but a strange one; the whole animal speak quirk gives him a rather childish vibe. He seems kind of shy and innocent as well. I can't help but wonder why he does the animal speak, but I don't really have enough to work off of to tell at the moment. It seems like Tentai doesn't know how to deal with the stranger aspects of Haru's character. He's nice. I'll need to see more of him to get a better feel for him, though. And we immediately transition to meeting Satoshi, our resident Physicist. I expect he's had that coat with all the spills on it for the long time; I hope he hasn't been through anything too bad. The conversation he and Tentai had is interesting, but he's definitely the hardest character to get a feel for; I suspect he's pessimistic, but I'm trying to get a feel for the rest of his character. I'll need some time to get a better feel for him. I wonder if the jellyfish or the vent might be relevant in the future case, given the situation. And now we get to the Bureau de Change; it's nice to see all the different things they have, although it's just a shop to get stuff. This is going to be where people get gifts and such, it seems. Not much else to say on that other than that. Naoko probably stands out the most of the three characters introduced here; she feels very loud and entitled. She's definitely an obnoxious character, but she'll likely add a dose of much needed conflict (and maybe comic relief?) to the current cast. She's very stuck up and arrogant. Tentai and her didn't mesh well at all; I felt a tinge of arrogance from Tentai with how she dismissed her, even if it was more defensive. I can't help but wonder what kind of conflicts Naoko will cause due to her personality. Alright, with that, I've summed up my thoughts on this chapter. We got another good batch of characters in this chapter as well as some other things, so I look forward to seeing and discussing the rest of them. Once I finish the next chapter, I'll be caught up (assuming you haven't updated by then). |
Lupus Overkill chapter 4 . 9/30/2018 I've been holding off on reviewing these for a while, if only because of a busy schedule, so I figured I'd start getting through these and expressing my thoughts on the new characters any any relevant plot points. Although these chapters have been a little short, the character interactions and story set up have all been good. Let's get into that now. The little intro section prior to meeting Fujiko is interesting; Tentai is giving me this calm, cool, slightly manipulative vibe with how she talked about Kameyo and using everyone's talents. I'm interested in seeing how her mindset develops over time. Fujiko, Ultimate Acrobat, huh? She's a very, chirpy optimistic type; she gives off very reckless vibes as well. She's childish and doesn't look before she leaps. That's what I'm getting from here, given her sense of style, her interactions with Tentai, and particularly her reaction to learning there were no staff on the ship. She's definitely going to be a troublemaker, although not a malicious one. I could see her getting hurt if she's not careful. Also, interesting note that Tentai is feeling deja vu. I suspect that these people may have met at least once before and had their memory of it wiped. Aya's another nice personality; she's calm and sweet, but a little quirky. I think the whole conversation about graffiti tells us a lot about Aya's character; she seems like a very thoughtful type, if that makes any sense? I like her so far and want to see how she works out along with the rest of the cast. She seems kind of lonely and very talkative, given her reaction to Tentai's departure. Before move on, let me quickly discuss the atrium and new map information. I expect Fujiko to try swinging on the chandeliers at some point. More importantly, that Monokuma statue is going to conceal the trial room, I suspect. It could be something else important, but it seems too obvious to be anything key to solving the mystery. I might be wrong, though. All of the rooms seem good, although I can't tell much by that alone. It looks like the students will have some nice amenities, though. And now Tentai checks out the unisex bathrooms, where she meets Raian. He seems very focused on being an Optician, given how forceful he was about the glasses. He gives off kind of a pushy vibe, but he's okay. I don't have too good of a sense for his character yet, to be honest; I think I'll need to see him interact some more to be sure of what he's like. It's funny that this whole situation happened due to the unisex changing rooms; I imagine the fact they're unisex might come up later during trials, especially if the students split the bathrooms themselves. So, all in all, a good chapter. With that, I'll be going on to review the next chapter. Hopefully I can get my thoughts out on all of the newly introduced characters. |
emberblitz321 chapter 6 . 9/29/2018 I'm back again, I'm a little late to the party though but I'm glad I came to see another great chapter with more interesting students. First off its Samuru and I am happy to say you've portrayed him nicely. His intro with him stopping further escalations between Tentai and Shishi only for his heroic radiance to dissipate had me chuckling and him having a nice civil discussion with her is typical of him and I did find it sweet that Tentai did feel bad about her judgment on him when she figured he wasn't that much of a clown. All in all, you did good on him but I do have a nitpick which is how weirdly placed his introduction quote is but then again I did give you the quote directly like that. His talent sure might seem like an odd one but I'm sure the students will find a use for his skills :) As an aside I do feel flattered with how well received Samuru became, I admit I just got into the DR fandom and he is the second OC I've made for it so I'm glad he's getting some love. Shishi certainly is an odd duck, territorial, and wears a spooky mask. I do wonder what's the reason behind it? I'm placing my bets on him being disfigured or perhaps he's just comfy with it, I won't judge though. He also seemed to catch onto Tentai's goal of wanting to cooperate with the others and warned her about his reluctance to help so it seems he's really suspicious of the others and he's also quite snarky as he barked back at Tentai and insulted Samuru's talent which does make sense if you compared the two talents on their utility. Overall he's really interesting and I predict he'll be a long-term student. Ryozo sure seems like a charming individual. Not much to say about him but it's nice to see a new face and a kind one at that. His talent is quite nice and I do find it sweet yet typical that he loves kids so as of now he's okay in my book (hah). Man, I might as well state it, Akahito's ego is as grand as the ocean he's spent his time studying. I do admit that his talent is towards something nice, studying a part of our planet is admirable to me but he's taking his position towards the wrong way by acting like an elitist even towards a fellow student of science like Tentai. As it stands right now he seems to be out for himself which is kinda funny since the student with the talent most fitting with the fic's setting is one of the least cooperative ones so we'll have to wait and see if he decides to change up his attitude later on. This set of students have been polarizing, to say the least, two sweet boys and two rough boys. After them, it's the last remaining students which are then followed by the inevitable so I can't say I'm not excited. This definitely was a great chapter and I certainly can't wait for the next one, keep on trucking CP! |
Trust Me the Spider chapter 6 . 9/21/2018 Alright, let's just jump right into it. Right at the start of the chapter, Tentai makes a quick observation about cabin layout. It's kind of cute to see Tentai feeling proud about having her name on a door, only to be mocked by a retro illustration of herself. Despite her immense responsibility as a Neurosurgeon, she still has a youthful side to her. And also, it was pointed out that Raian's room was across from hers. Extrapolating from that little bit of info, would it be possible that all the student rooms are arranged in a manner that's the same as the "character list" at the end of every chapter? So, for example, Kameyo would be across from Satoshi, and Fujiko would be across from Haruki. It may seem minor, but this bit of info could possibly be relevant to future cases. And now let's talk about the new students. Good lord, Shishi has some... problems. His gas mask and getup makes me think he's one of those "doomsday preppers" or something similar. He'd be at home in a Fallout videogame, lol. You know, Tentai, at this point, you should really just embrace the eccentric people, at least they haven't harmed you yet. But back to Shishi, it seems like him flipping Tentai was more automatic or instinctive than anything, based on his comment immediately afterwards. It seems like he considers what Tentai did to be wrong, and feels no remorse over his own actions, since he felt like he was "justified" in doing them. He's a bit of a problematic person, but so far, it doesn't seem like he's "malicious' or anything. He did what he did because he felt like he was "right", so it's not like he was trying to do "wrong". I dunno, I think there might be a decent person hidden underneath that mask. Maybe. Samuru is quite the... character. A very bold, dramatic person. And so far, he's one of the friendliest faces Tentai has met. It's funny how Tentai's not very impressed with his talent; she's certainly not the type to believe in the supernatural. And a bit later, it seems that Tentai felt guilty over dismissing him because of his talent. It's good that she's aware of her own flaws and prejudices, that will help her a lot going forward. And funnily enough, Samuru claims to be trained in "samurai combat', which kind of has nothing to do with vampire slaying. I think. What a weird guy... Where would I put him on the "eccentric rankings"? Hmm, currently, I think Kameyo is number one, then Haruki, Samuru, and finally Raian for the top four. Perhaps Raian and Samuru can switch places, I'm not sure yet. This list is subject to future revision. Anyhow, Samuru was very helpful to Tentai, but we learned at the end of the chapter that she's still searching for someone to "confide" in, so for some reason, she doesn't consider him suitable, perhaps because of his eccentricity? Man, Tentai really doesn't like eccentric people, even when they've been relatively nice to her, huh? Ryozo is very talkative and seemingly optimistic. He's the type to go with the flow and make the best out of any situation. I suppose that's the sort of trait a storyteller needs, as they must always be ready to transform their experiences into a wondrous tale. That little moment when Ryozo was talking about how he's great with kids, which was then followed by awkward silence, possibly hints at something. Ryozo obviously likes children, but could Tentai not be a fan of them? Little kids tend to be kind of crazy, overly energetic, and a pain to deal with, so I can see why she wouldn't like them. And there could also be some sort of hidden history that could be influencing her feelings, but for now, it's not too productive to be delving any deeper into that. To sum up my thoughts, Ryozo is another friendly character, which is great, since we're about to meet another hostile one. Tentai has got a lot of work to do... Furusawa is probably a bigger jerk than Shishi was. He's extremely condescending, which is amazing since he's talking down to a flipping neurosurgeon. He must either have a very high opinion of himself, or a very low opinion of surgeons... Hmm, it's almost like he instantly disliked Tentai from the moment he saw her, without any obvious reasons why. Could he actually not like doctors/surgeons for whatever reason? Past history, perhaps? And oh man, I can't get over the fact that he called Tentai a "parasite". Damn, those are some harsh words! You know, he's not exactly wrong about Tentai basically "using" the other students for information. And Tentai didn't even deny it herself. I can sort of respect him for calling her out like that. He's an antagonistic fellow, and we'll have to wait and see if there's more to him than that. I've noticed that in the cast so far, there's quite a large number of students with science-related talents. Neurosurgeon, Horologist, Optician, Physicist, Vet, Oceanographer, and Engineer. That's 7/12 students so far! At this rate, the students could start their own interdisciplinary lab on the ship, lol. But you know what they say, 'too many cooks spoil the broth". All of these intellectuals are going to get under each other's skin, just you wait. And I can't wait to see the fireworks go off. Although I do think the "eccentrics" like Kameyo and Raian would probably get along, while the "hostiles" like Shishi and Samuru would tear into each other. As a final note, four characters were introduced this chapter, and it looks like we're getting the four final characters next chapter. Since next chapter is part 5 of 6, it seems likely that part 6 of 6 will be when we finally see the entire cast together. Judging from the student comments so far, it seems that many of them have already met each other (and Tentai is the one who's late to the party), but I still can't wait to finally see how they get along with one another. It's going to be so much fun, and thank you for another fantastic chapter! |
tobi-is-an-artist-too chapter 6 . 9/20/2018 Hahaha, wow that bounce took a long time! Guess that's what I get for underestimating the babies. The little devils never sleep when they're supposed too lol. Anyway, I gotta shove off to bed soon but before I do I'm gonna give my thought on yet another batch of colorful students! Now the first one I have to address is the vampire hunter, because I love him! I love him too pieces man you don't even know! Like I just wanna hug him and listen to him talk about vampire slaying and stuff. Theeeen theres gas mask guy...who scares me. Like alot...wonder what his deal is. The storyteller guy is gonna be alot of fun I can tell! I love how enthusiastic he is about his talent, and he's not snobby about it too! That't a plus! The oceanographer...I honestly don't like him. Well, I don't like his attitude more like, but I do think that' he'll make things interesting! Hahaha okay that's all of the new students and hopefully I can catch the next chapter's on time lol. |