Reviews for To All the Boys I've Loved Before
CullenCherries chapter 26 . 1/1/2021
This is adorable and I’m glad you’re not just perfectly following the plot of the movie but also I’m stressed because I feel like there’s so many chapters left and it seems like it’s time for something to go wrong!
CullenCherries chapter 15 . 1/1/2021
Angela talks about disappearing and all I can think is the party at the Cullens after the game in Sideline Collision...
CullenCherries chapter 12 . 1/1/2021
Um fwiw reenacting is for fun. And while people can and do look up their ancestry for fun having relevant ancestors isn’t really a requirement. Source: lifelong rev war reenactor (and one of the serious ones who do really careful research and worry about thread counts and hand stitching and critique movies and all that jazz).
CullenCherries chapter 9 . 1/1/2021
I love all your Edwards so much. I’ve been putting off reading this one because while I loved the movie I found it really stressful on the second watch. I’m glad I stopped delaying reading this though!
CullenCherries chapter 7 . 1/1/2021
This is adorable. Also makes me a little squirmy cause it reminds me of myself in middle school and that’s always uncomfortable. But this is sweet.
lashawn chapter 44 . 11/23/2020
I’m so glad I gave this story a chance. I kept scrolling past this story before but I finally read it and it was sooo good. They are too adorable. Ironically your story caused me to watch the film for the first time. I now have a new favorite film.
Aislinn Massi chapter 44 . 10/29/2020
Thank you very much for allowing the translation to Spanish of this beautiful story. I must admit that at first I didn’t want to read it cuz I like Lara Jean and Peter story just the way it is and couldn’t imagine it with Edward and Bella. But your fame preceded you and also the fame from the awesome translator Fungys so I just finished it and I have to say I wouldn’t bother if the original story was like this because I absolutely loved it, how Edward fell so fast for Bella, how she was just trying to enjoy it as much as she could and how they took Tanya out of the picture. Once again, thank you very much for creating this amazing story and allowing the translation
P. S. Sorry for the mistakes, I’m not a native speaker
bethabetha chapter 35 . 10/20/2020
this is by far my favorite angela and eric in fanfic 3
bethabetha chapter 4 . 10/19/2020
so glad i pulled up ff a few days ago to look up some old favorite stories, because i haven’t read this one before. i’m loving it already... ali is the best! “you deserve your own jake ryan” has got to be the sweetest line ever 3
Swa-Sa Masou chapter 23 . 8/11/2020
Aggh, stop and review, stop clicking next!
I had to yell at myself and go back.
I love that movie and I love this pairing, so of course I was hooked when I read the title.
But this is so well-written and I love the way that you've veered off course from the movie! With the number of chapters remaining, I'm assuming there will be some sort of fallout, but without the scrunchie to act as a catalyst, I'm super curious!
I need a renegotiation of that contract conversation. Ugghhh.
Really, great story so far!
NB13 chapter 44 . 8/5/2020
I absolutely love your writing. And I adore this Alice, she's the cutest thing ever!
leinchen chapter 44 . 7/23/2020
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed reading your story and taking the journey with the two of them :-)
Schnitzel31 chapter 33 . 7/12/2020
I can’t believe I fell off the face of the... internet without finishing this! But I’m back, and so excited to finally see how everything unfolds :D
Fleur50 chapter 44 . 5/31/2020
Fleur50 chapter 43 . 5/31/2020
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