Reviews for Correcting Mistakes |
Guest chapter 5 . 7/3 Was stunned when he actually said the Horcrux commited suicide and stupidly told Harry where all the others were for no reason. Thats so amazingly absurd I couldn't not pause and just stare at what I read. Also like to know how the hell Voldy had an Homonculus. He was tossed through the veil. That should've been it for that piece. It went wherever that goes. It shouldn't of just come back to earth. Rather been destroyed or trapped till the other pieces where destroyed. |
Guest chapter 4 . 7/3 WHY do SO many authors have the Aurors show up to arrest people during the freaking meal when the whole schools worth of several hundred students are there to be mutilated and butchered in a fire fight? In fact would be a welcome target of distraction to escape? 2nd time in this story. |
Guest chapter 3 . 7/3 So Lucius still passed off the diary at the same time despite Voldy being captured. No change in actions. Luna who was a good person and helped him before was completely ignored and left to her misery again. Nothing was done about Lockhart. And Harry needlessly let Buckheak be at risk instead of stopping Draco. Just 1 mil for that big ass thousand year old Basilisk? K |
Guest chapter 2 . 7/3 If Fudge was informed a month ago about the will then Lucius should know. Which means Sirius should have been accidentally kissed by now or have plans to be killed by a corrupt Auror for "resisting" when being led from the prison. Gave way to much heads up. |
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3 Sad thing with these thrown back in time on purpose things. Particularly the intentionally timed ones is he never bothers the extra 2 years to help Lunas mom. Even when he is sent that far back by accident I think I've seen one maybe? |
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3 So Harry controls the Potter account money and where it goes but can't spend it? He could send it to the Malfoys if he wishes in that case? No checking for manip or anything? Once changed into another account that money isn't bound by Potter family rules anymore either since its no longer their money. What about everything else that should've been in the Potter vault that's not money that Dumbles can steal and sell? Left that out. |
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3 Yes that is blatant theft. Just because he's appointed a magical guardian unjustly and likely illegally by sealing a family will doesn't mean he just gains full control of the family accounts like that. Otherwise a dark family could kill off other families and get themselves in control of the kids and just rob them blind. None of them would allow something like that to be legal. Nor does it make sense. If anything the account set aside for Harry as a kid would be the one accessed for his care. Nor would there be any authority to remove family relics. It's blatant theft and can't be called anything else. There's not even a hint of it being used on Harry. At least not what Dumbles is nabbing in regular consistent amounts. The random time travel bs spell is also absurd. A whole section of the dept of mysteries researching and can't go but a few hours. Yet right away in a single night Harry can send with a single spell his mind back in time. No ritual or anything. Dumbledore never ransacked the black library and found it. Sirius never noticed and used it? |
AliceTobor chapter 6 . 6/22 A very good do over. I would like someone to write a story where Lily ACTS as smart as she is supposed to be. A smart Lily would doubt Dumbledore when he wants to them to hide behind a single spell. The Fidelus has a GLARING WEAKNESS, the secret keeper. Dumbledore can read minds, he HAD to know Peter Pettigrew was the TRAITOR. He knowingly set the Potters up to die. Hidden behind such a flimsy defense, Lily had to be suspicious of Dumbledore. Why didn't the cottage have escape tunnels? I want a Lily who outsmarts both Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle. A Lily who keeps her family alive and free of Dumbledore's manipulation. |
Abstract01 chapter 1 . 6/9 I object to the nickname 'Mione', as translated into Spanish is signifies 'crybaby'. (and that is what the word sounds like as well!) |
Molenir chapter 6 . 6/7 A fun fix-it story. Some small issues. First of course, is that Voldy was gone when Barty escaped. So no Nagini Horcrux was made. You had him tossed through the veil as Quirrel. Next, when Sirius came accross that spell, why didn't he use it to save the Potters? Like I said, a fun story, with some minor flaws. Thank you for sharing. |
Darknessdawns chapter 6 . 5/20 This was definitely an interesting twist on the do-over trope. I found it very enjoyable and thought it rounded everything up nicely. |
hdres chapter 6 . 3/18 A fun fix it story. Thank you |
JerodStorm chapter 6 . 2/24 the end reads out like the end of one of those old cop shows. |
nagiten chapter 4 . 11/23/2023 ahhhh why would harry have die this year? |
nagiten chapter 2 . 11/23/2023 why are they heading to xylomancy? very sneaky harry and that the way show them your fangs |