Reviews for The Stag of Storms
Namikaze Raj chapter 7 . 10/28/2024
If Naruto can teleport, and outrun Horses, how the hell couldn't he pursue Cersei and Joffrey?!; plot armour, I guess!
Aetherium21 chapter 26 . 10/6/2024
Loving the fight but there should be wildfire here too if possible
Aetherium21 chapter 23 . 10/6/2024
Love the focus on the plot rather than heavy focus on petty romance with teenage girls
Aetherium21 chapter 3 . 10/6/2024
Very nice! Now we just need Joffrey to die off quickly
FlawedBauthor chapter 5 . 6/22/2024
I like how you lied about having, and passing, "up to five essays a week". If this is how you were writing back then, you failed schooling lmao No way you were writing so much and passing with this being your proof to us.
asd chapter 6 . 6/11/2024
naruto's magic is just pointless controversy in this story. I wish you hadn't given it to him, or at least made him hide it
Frank chapter 28 . 5/26/2024
la primera historia que leo de Naruto & GOT que esta bien hecha.
insanecoop chapter 11 . 4/29/2024
Not a great chapter ino.
yrlastin chapter 12 . 4/18/2024
Should not have lowered his initial demand for 6 million! Naruto came out looking weak.
Vates Despero chapter 9 . 3/31/2024
I like how Naruto forgot how to do the shadow clone jutsu the moment it became most useful!

People getting rowdy before the tourney in chapter 4? Just pop out up to ten shadow clones, putting him at jonin level!

Dealing with coup by brother and also protecting Sansa in chapter 6? Nothing you can do, can't be in two places at once after all.

Can't get OUT of Casterly Rock with Sansa by himself because she'll slow him down? Whelp its not like you could carry her, guard both sides, form a vanguard, AND make a distraction at the same time and all. You'd have to be in, like, 8 or 9 places at the same time!

Large army attacking you from behind?! You'll have to make do with 1 super soldier/murder blender, can't murder blend in multiple places after all.

... Frankly a lot of the plot here is completely dependent on him NOT being able to do the shadow clone AT ALL and starts a couple chapters after establishing that he CAN. Naruto got seriously nerfed when Robert died, and it is ruining the continuity and is absolutely needed for the plot to work as is.
FlawedBauthor chapter 4 . 3/28/2024
Well, this has been terrible. I can see why you abandoned this. You at least showed early that you were too stupid to be writing. That or too lazy, I guess.
Six-Eyed Vixen chapter 18 . 1/25/2024
Finally He beat the fraud allegations. Healing Shireen was cool ngl
Six-Eyed Vixen chapter 17 . 1/25/2024
Why hasn't Naruto used Sage mode even once? Damn your Naruto is on fraud watch. Kurama chakra merchant
if Sasuke and Naruto ever came to blows in your fic, Naruto would get bodied
83Tigger83 chapter 1 . 12/15/2023
This fic had a promising start but I felt that, at the half way point of the story, the author lost control of the plot. The author ended up just contorting character actions to progress the plot. I will still check out the author's future work as I think with some experience they'll write some entertaining stories.
Sharkboybeast chapter 3 . 11/23/2023
another pussy Naruto story. respect the mountain even though he killed children and raped a women.
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