Reviews for The Unseen Hunt
ATNF chapter 1 . 11/23/2024
Loved it! The ending was good too!
Logar3 chapter 53 . 10/1/2024
I think that when you think about the story as a whole, this is actually a rather happy ending compared to what we could have gotten!

I fucking LOVED this, dude. Characters were super fun, the plot was fantastic, and the worldbuilding kicks absolute ass! One of the best modern fantasy things I’ve seen in recent times and I really do mean that.

Amazing work, thank you very much!
Jetstormfire chapter 53 . 9/12/2024
holy crap this was a good read
Reader20448 chapter 53 . 8/18/2024
Fucking solid ass series another good read. 9/10
ledesmajoaquin418 chapter 53 . 8/11/2024
Hombre una historia con un final agridulce pero esperanzador, fue un buen viaje(incluso si originalmente estaba un poco reacio a leerla debido a la extraña premisa) sin embargo arc royale me hizo tener ganas de darle una oportunidad
realmente siento que merece una secuela ¿que es el faro? ¿Quién lo construyo y por qué? Sin duda sería un historia interesante de ver
BoondogleKrieger chapter 1 . 7/2/2024
A summary I made to congradulate this story.

Religion, mythology, folklore. All these cultures introduce a world of fantastical awe and curiosity to worlds and monsters that otherwise don't belong to our world, but which we can't stop wondering and in some way believing it to be true. Beings and objects of untold appearence and feats that no man or animal could accomplish captivate all those who listen, bringing them in to this dream of irregularity from which they will awaken to all sorts or possibility in this whole new world. From what can they than expect next? What wonder of horror will be shown to them that will bring them in further until they are consumed by what they can't unsee?
SHMANDER chapter 53 . 4/25/2024
Why is every story with a Lancaster feel so goddamned bittersweet?!
wearedeadpool chapter 1 . 3/6/2024
pretty good start.
FatedWait chapter 53 . 3/4/2024
Мне понравилась эта история. Даже несмотря на то что я с подозрением относился к тому, что все действия разворачиваются на Земле, а не на Ремнанте. Открытый финал - это все ещё финал, и хоть я и не рад тому, как все закончилось, последняя глава принесла мне чувство удовлетворения. Рад за то, что у Руби и Жона останутся партнёры в лице друг друга. Спасибо за весь ваш труд.

I loved this story. Even though I was suspicious that all the action took place on Earth and not on Remnant. The Open Ending is still the Ending, and while I'm not happy with how it ended, the last chapter gave me a sense of satisfaction. I'm glad that Ruby and Jaune will still have partners in each other. Thank you for all your hard work.
FatedWait chapter 6 . 3/4/2024
"They'll probably make a conspiracy theory of it, Jaune thought. Russians or aliens, terrorists or gang fighting gone wild."

The part with the Russians would be very funny if the situation were not so true.

Часть с русскими была бы смешной, если бы только не была такой правдивой.
Jeff Was Taken chapter 53 . 2/21/2024
Great stuff. The story certainly transitioned from a sort of cosmic/monster horror to a more action and slight mystery genre, but it fits well with how Jaune grows stronger as well as the cast. Also great Kaiju battle, certainly felt awesome and tense. Overall solid work and i look forward to reading the Jaune battle royale after i finish each precusor story to see Kaiju Jaune eat Salem
NO 13 Night chapter 53 . 1/12/2024
When I first read the synopsis I thought this was going to be another manga inspired fanfic. I was pleasantly surprised that it was not. The drama, the realistic reaction to a change of circumstances from the normalization of life and the Tobey Maguire spiderman to relationships. thus should be turned into a film, book series or even television. A round of applause to the writer.
Machine of war chapter 13 . 12/11/2023
Just started rereading this and some of the theme of the awakened reminds me so much of the manhua the world after the fall
Slightly different premise where people gain power either by adapting to the dream or rejecting it wholly, and essentially living seeing the world as it truly is.
Though a lot of the similarities are likely from the lovecraft imagery and tone in both
RWBYGLVol10 chapter 53 . 12/10/2023
I have now read 18 of your RWBY stories and currently burning through OGT, but stopped to reread portions of The Unseen Hunt. This is one of my favorite works of yours. The sheer creativity of the AU, the in-world mechanics being so unlike most of the other AU stories, the eldritch horror, the heightened stakes, the hopelessness of the Awakened/Hunters struggle having to protect themselves not only from the Grimm, but also from the Dreamers combine to weave a compelling tale. The major character death early on really tore me up, but in the end, I absolutely adore what you did with the characters, and the ending was a treasure. Just wanted to say thank you for blessing us with your creativity and art.
Gojira Supreme chapter 53 . 10/4/2023
So I just finished this a few minutes ago. Even during the earlier chapters I figured this was going to have a bittersweet ending. I usually dislike such endings. I can name very few that I enjoy. One of which was the ending to your fic Stress Relief. This one on the other hand I found to be alright overall. I was immediately hooked on the Bloodborne/Lovecraftian vibes even at the start. Though I doubt channeling some of that Bloodborne feel was your intent.

There is one thing I did dislike and my dislike of it grew as I read this and reached an all time high at the end. And that would be Weiss. Specifically her decision to murder Sam and Brad to give Blake and Adam human bodies. This ultimately proves pointless in my opinion. The two literally accomplish nothing in their human forms. And any little they do accomplish, like Adam distracting the Grimm while Jaune leads Nora to safety, could have easily been rewritten into something else or written out entirely. Any real assistance they give is in their Grimm forms while in the Grimm world, which could have been forced out of them with the very real threat of Weiss burning down their domain and them. A threat that she chose to use anyway in tandem with saying she'd give them new bodies. And even past that, they are completely pointless in the final confrontation with Cinder, something that Blake even points out.

Moving past Blake and Adam, Weiss herself and her guilt with the decision. She feels bad about it for all of two scenes before rationalizing it as being for the greater good. The whole sacrifices must be made mindset. The first being right after she wakes up. The second when she winces around Jaune and Blake. Any sense of guilt she has over it is essentially lost after those two moments. And, the thing that tipped my dislike over the edge, was when it came down to it, when Jaune had Cinder pinned and was on the verge of crushing her, he had to back off to let them escape. Weiss, for all her bluster about making sacrifices for the good of humanity as a whole, was unable to lay down on the wire herself. She forced a sacrifice onto Sam and Brad by having them murdered, but couldn't make the sacrifice herself.

Never mind the fact that sacrifice for the greater good is a slippery slope. Fate/Zero has a great episode that talks about this. Essentially it boils down to the fact that if you keep making sacrifices, eventually your going to kill almost everyone, if not everyone. Emiya Kiritsugu learns this lesson when he finally acquires the Holy Grail which is why he elects to do what he did in the end.

And to top it off, the crack between worlds seals itself at the end. While this does indeed mean that awakened are still in danger, Weiss will likely never have to make such a decision again. Her role past this mainly falls to research and preparing the next generation. The Grimm all fade at the end. Only ones who still possess human bodies are any real threat at the moment. It feels as though she gets off scot free for doing something that is very much immoral and monstrous.

Or maybe her helping to save the world is meant to be some kind of redemption and I'm just not really focusing on that. But in the end I largely agree with Simply Christian and Racoa on this subject.

Other than that, I did enjoy my time with this. I'm now off to read Professor Arc II: Headmaster Arc. Well wishes and happy writing.
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