Reviews for Sunshine In Winter
Charles Xavier chapter 6 . 3/1/2023
You know, I could honestly hear Malcolm McDowell providing the voice of Aesculapius. It just sounds so fitting. lol
Charles Xavier chapter 7 . 3/1/2023
Re-reading this after so long, I have to say, this story still holds up today (hey, that rhymed). That last scene with Yuffie's question about love and Vincent's response; dear God, that still pokes me right in the gut.
crissylover chapter 8 . 5/6/2020
What a cruel, emotional, beautiful mess of a read. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this gem.
MalMacho chapter 8 . 3/26/2020
I'm not one to read first person fics only because of having one-sided perspectives bother me. But I took a chance with this fic and I'm pleasantly surprised. Thank you for this story. Yuffie and Vincent throughout the years have been two of my favorite characters from the franchise and just a month ago I finally finished playing the original game just making it before the remake is out.

But in all honesty, you kept Yuffie in character, or at least how I've perceived her to be in FF7 and Dirge of Cerebus. There was a few times that I thought you were going to end this with either Vincent or Yuffie giving their lives for the other and though I don't mind angst endings I was going to flip my computer desk and punch my laptop if that was the case for this story. You have made me invested and now I'm scourging through your other collections of work, thanks for that, not like I have anything else to do...

All jokes aside, I've loved this story and I love how you write with just enough description and emotion. Thanks again. Hope you're still writing out there.
Another anon chapter 8 . 1/26/2020
AH it's been years and years and years. The remake coming out kinda made me want to go back to all my old favorites. You're probably long gone Guardian but this story was beautiful when I found it over a decade ago and it's still amazing today. I knew what was going to happen and I still cried a little when Yuffie jumped. Aesculapius is still the best summon ever. I love him and all his illusory snakes. ALSO I can't believe I missed it the first time around but Cid Highwind's kid is named Kain? And he likes to leap forward? Dangerously? Anyway, it was a lovely story; see you around the next time I'm feeling nostalgic.
Releqah chapter 8 . 1/16/2020
This is legitimately amazing, thank you so much. It made me laugh a tonne and actually had me so torn leading up to her ‘death’ and such, then the rest left me smiling like a bloody idiot, so thank god for that happy ending because otherwise that ending of Yuffie falling sand Vincent brooding for the rest of his life would have been too much. Again, even almost 20 years (shit!) since you wrote this, thank you so much.
Littwink chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
I love the idea of this, but poor Yuffie!

I’ve decided to make a compilation of FFN fanfics that aren’t on AO3 to share with others, and I’d like to include this one. If you’d rather I not share this please tell me. If you’d like more information and or the link when I finally publish the list please inform me. Otherwise, thank you for making such a wonderful contribution to the FFVII fandom! I hope that sharing this with others will gain you more readers!
Boogum chapter 8 . 3/8/2018
This was hilarious and emotional and amazing and I am so happy I found it!
Jengurl24 chapter 8 . 2/19/2018
this is such an amazing story. Adventure, drama, angst, romance, humor, all crammed into 8 wonderful chapters! So glad I read this, Vin and Yuffie were so well written this could have been cannon. Should have been!
Erilin-chan chapter 8 . 5/6/2017
The feels! Oh my god, OMG, OMG. This was so cruel and beautiful - 'bullets and flowers and sunshine and winter'. I cried, I laughed, I got up to get tea because the feels were too real.

The happy ever after story was so beautiful. The cruelty and vulnerability of being ill was so on point.

If Yuffie hadn't been so f*cking stubborn she would have had kept her knee - Gahh you're so mean!

I loved it, I freaking loved it!

I hope you're mums all patched up and you eat ice cream with your beta brother. I know you wrote this nearly two decades ago and you probably don't use this email account, but I doff my hat and wanna say thanks for a fabulous, whirlwind love story.

P.s. I'll likely comment in a few years time when I get the YxV bug again and re-read this gem of a gem.
Peasant chapter 8 . 4/14/2017

*Screams in anger and happiness.*
AlJoWa chapter 8 . 12/24/2016
I would imagine that you've heard this a thousand times over but I can't NOT say what my heart is screaming.

This was and remains to be thee best Yuffie x Vincent fanfiction EVER. I was addicted to reading it. Any chance I had was spent sneaking onto my laptop to immerse myself in this wonderfully written, intensely dynamic story. Absolutely stellar. Even while I was at work I would think about what was going to happen next in your story. Everything was top tier. The characterization, the plot, the descriptions. I just...AH. I can't put into writing how much this story made me smile and laugh and cry (got a quizzical stare from my little brother when the tears started rolling baha).

Brilliant job. Kudos to you. This story is still affecting readers, myself included, seventeen years after you wrote it. And I hope you are still writing and creating because WOW you have a genuine gift.

Happy Start to 2017 Guardian. :]

Thank you for letting me get lost in this radiant tale for a time.

ilMaestroAmadio chapter 8 . 9/28/2016
Thank you for a wonderful Yuffie-centered story. I've always been bothered by the fact that Yuffie never got the attention she deserved throughout the entire FFVII saga. At last someone cares to pen down a brilliant portrayal of our beloved ninja avoiding a corny love story filled with humanity instead. Again, I really appreciated and love it. Outstanding job!
Aegis Linnear chapter 7 . 9/9/2016
So it turns out that if you read the end of this chapter while listening to 'Infinite Potential' from the Doctor Who soundtrack, you cry like a lost child.
Aegis Linnear chapter 8 . 9/8/2016
Talk about the rollercoaster! I am literally lying in bed at midnight having finished this soul-wringing masterpiece in one go. My fiancee is going to call me stupid in five hours when I have to get up and can't. I don't care. I could not conceive of stopping reading this. I might be slightly zonked from fatigue. Apparently the phone I'm writing this with already knows the word 'zonked', which is an interesting development but tangential as hell.

Yes! Bloody wonderful. Actually cried. You have made a marvel and you have reminded me how many kinds of love exist, because I'd forgotten about that one when no one should.

Also Vincent and Yuffie is the best pairing since Zelos Wilder and Sheena Fujibayashi.
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