Reviews for Heir of Hyoudou
merendinoemiliano chapter 42 . 2/28/2024
Very well done dialouges, cannot wait to see how this will proceed
merendinoemiliano chapter 41 . 2/12/2024
Pretty well done, curious to see more of Issei's peerage. Best of luck with next chapters
Sons of death chapter 7 . 1/12/2024
Are we going to have a dragon peerage.
merendinoemiliano chapter 40 . 1/8/2024
Well written dialogues, Always glad to see you around. Happy 2024
Hero100100 chapter 6 . 12/23/2023
I don't know if you actually get my PMS but I have been sending you them.
Tsuki-no-Hazama Hime chapter 39 . 12/3/2023
oh you do not have to say more... I'll be there for new updates
vanhellsing9000 chapter 39 . 11/17/2023
It was an extremely enjoyable chapter I am very much looking forward to the next chapter to come out keep up with the fantastic work it's much appreciated
merendinoemiliano chapter 38 . 10/29/2023
Simple but well written job, curious to see more.
Tsuki-no-Hazama Hime chapter 37 . 10/25/2023
I was deceived by the app, it says you had updated
kishin chapter 37 . 9/29/2023
BRILLIANCE! the emotional turmoil you show for issei akeno and murayama is electrifying. i end up reading so happily i have to reread to even remember most of it properly! i cant offer criticism as i feel i cant write for the life of me but i think your doing well and should keep going the way you are. take care ddraig12!
kishin chapter 36 . 9/27/2023
YESSSSSSSSS catching up to this and its just as amazing as i expected! the revelation that akenos sister was one of the fallen in kuoh?! BRILLIANT! using her as the replacement of vali in the pendragons and bikous group is inspired sir and i LOVE IT!
Tsuki-no-Hazama Hime chapter 36 . 9/28/2023
what of the other Church Trio members? Will Xenovia and Irina join in like canon?
Hero100100 chapter 5 . 9/18/2023
This is attached to see if the review are working
Hebb6919 chapter 35 . 9/12/2023
Good chapter and another twist looking forward to the next chapter Thanks
vanhellsing9000 chapter 35 . 9/12/2023
Oh boy Raynere is back I hope Issei forgives her and adds her to not only to his peerage but akso his harem as I'm sure both her and Akeno would just love to double team Issei lol
Anyhoo really looking forward to the next chapter to come out keep up with the fantastic work it's much appreciated
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