Reviews for Heir of Hyoudou
Nornehs chapter 34 . 8/22/2023
very nice chapter. can't wait for the new one
Dimitri1988 chapter 34 . 7/11/2023
Another great chapter love your story
OechsnerC chapter 34 . 6/14/2023
Awesome update. Looking forward to reading more.
DragonGodZalama chapter 34 . 6/12/2023
A great chapter but i didnt like how the writer undersold the JD transformation. Plus shouldn't Issie had more control over his JD than the canon Issie. To be fair we have to see how the fight b/w JD Issie and Shalba going but still...
P.S. Cant wait for the next update!
Hebb6919 chapter 34 . 6/11/2023
Welcome back and a good chapter.
Imperial-samaB chapter 20 . 6/11/2023
Excellent job.
dijma chapter 34 . 6/11/2023
I still follow your story wait for the update beacause this story if one of the best fanfic's for dxd so keep up the good work
Skull-Bone25 chapter 34 . 6/11/2023
Ok can I just say you made me even more of a fan of Highschool DxD that I actually wish your story was the official work like seriously you captured everything about Highschool DxD but I don’t want to make this review long with me gushing because this is for reviews so if you see this I would like to talk to you in the DM’s or PM’s whatever it’s called on Fanfiction about your DxD because your fanfic was phenomenal and I was hoping you would come back and finish it because it was that amazing.
codywhite162 chapter 34 . 6/10/2023
Excellent chapter! Looking forward to the next one
blackoverkill22 chapter 34 . 6/10/2023
Pretty good so far glad to have u back
Darksouls6877 chapter 1 . 5/5/2023
I hope they haven't abandoned this
Ltbutterfly287 chapter 1 . 4/30/2023
There are 72 demon clan names to choose from half of which are extinct. Turning the Hyoudou family name into a demon clan doesn't work at all. That's like a Olympian god being having a Norse name.
Jtf0012 chapter 6 . 1/12/2023
I thought light weapons were outlawed unless they were sacred gears when used in rating games? how could rizer use a light sword?
Guest chapter 33 . 1/3/2023
Pls update
merendinoemiliano chapter 33 . 12/9/2022
Quite simple, but enjoyable
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