Reviews for Do No Harm
Guest chapter 30 . 11/21/2024
I love this story so much. ️
bewitchedtree chapter 30 . 5/24/2024
I really liked this book; it was very difficult to stop reading once I started. The plot and the writing are so good. You have a way with expressing feelings that is very beautiful. Some other things I liked:
- Your plot was great. Excellent idea for a book!
- You portrayed grief well. I liked that you repeatedly mentioned that Bella could not fix Carlisle, that he would never get over it, etc.
-Your side characters were good additions: Rosalie was a great friend, Edward was a good brother, Esme was considerate, etc.
- The timeline of events made sense. It was not rushed.

What I didn’t like:
- Bella said she wouldnt pry and would respect his privacy but since the very beginning, she asked delicate questions all the time. She seemed to insist sometimes when he gave vague answers.
- They didn’t have a relationship outside of discussing their relationship. What united them besides their attraction and the sex? Books? We don’t even have them discussing books much. At one point Carlisle said Bella read many books every week but we never saw that (tell x show). It would be nicer if they went out, talked about interests, and had daily interactions besides talking about grief or their relationship.
- Bella didn’t have much of a personality here either. She worked in a cafe and she liked books. Did she have dreams? Was she happy in her current situation? It seems like her thoughts just went in circles repeatedly about Carlisle and about being clumsy and prone to accidents. She was still very much a damsel in distress. I think that if you wanted to publish this book (I think you should since your writing and the plot are so good and have nothing to do with Twilight), you could cut so many instances of Bella’s thoughts going in circles. That would decrease the size of this 700 book.
- The pregnancy at the end was too soon and unnecessary. It was invalidating to Carlisle’s struggles at that moment and it was gratuitous drama. If you really wanted to keep this idea, it should have happened later: it was too soon after concluding everything else. And if you had deleted that plot point, the story would still be good.

Anyways: great story, thank you for sharing, and I will read more of your stories. I hope one day you get an editor and publish this. You’re a good writer.
supremeloser chapter 1 . 4/9/2024
crystal.charnley1 chapter 30 . 4/6/2024
tears... lovely story.. ag my heart.
OH IMAGENTIVE AND CREATIVE ONE chapter 1 . 6/28/2023
I was a bit confused at first, until I realised that everyone was human. It's such a beautiful story.
LoveSunshine chapter 30 . 6/27/2023
beautiful story. Thank you.
Argangel chapter 30 . 1/27/2023
C'était magnifique.
Lynne George chapter 30 . 6/17/2022
In love with this story. Absolitely amazing. Wish I could give it more likes.
winterhorses chapter 1 . 5/13/2022
I believe this is my second time through, but I don’t think I left any reviews last time. Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the story! And of course, Carlisle is the love of my life, so I’m always thrilled when a good writer gives me more of him to read. Thank you so much!
Isabelle Jaykins chapter 30 . 5/7/2022
You are truly a gifted writer! Your imagery is amazing! Your detailing is amazing! I felt like I there watching the story come alive! I wish you had more stories or even publish an actual book! I would totally buy them!
SuperSlyly chapter 30 . 3/24/2022
what a wonderful, incredible story
read it on one breathe
thank you so much
thriftynnifty93 chapter 30 . 3/7/2022
This is rare, but this made me sob like a baby though probably at least 50% of it. LOVE the emotions, and just how amazingly well it was put together!
nurikat21 chapter 30 . 12/11/2021
Amazing story. So glad I came across it. The pairing worked beautifully and I love how the characters grew throughout the story.
winterhorses chapter 30 . 11/14/2021
Great fic! I’m glad that Carlisle got to be a dad again. Would love to see a future take!
Tiredmomma777 chapter 1 . 11/14/2021
I absolutely loved this story! You are a very talented writer. Thanks so much for sharing your talent!
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